Topic: Is mentioning marijuana by users bannable?

Posted under General

Since admitting to using drugs gives you the boot here, what's the status of cannabis on this booru, considering it's legal in some states and countries?

And will the mention of rehab and testimonies from former substance users and sobriety still be bannable?

alexyorim said:
Since admitting to using drugs gives you the boot here, what's the status of cannabis on this booru, considering it's legal in some states and countries?

Obviously not an official answer, but I'd assume since it's legal or decriminalised in so many places it would be presumed that you had obtained it legally (therefore not breaking the rules) unless you start telling people about your dealer or the best sites on the deep web to score some weed. Likewise I doubt any users in the United States between the ages of 18 and 21 will be banned for admitting to consuming alcohol either.

Either way, I wouldn't recommend to admitting to crimes on the Internet.

alexyorim said:
And will the mention of rehab and testimonies from former substance users and sobriety still be bannable?

The code of conduct doesn't seem to have any exemption for things that were long in the past or already convicted for, so it might be best to avoid that.

Do not discuss details or experiences of committing illegal acts, such as drug use, sex, violence, or abuse against any human or creature.


But, is it still bannable to mention cannabis use on this booru, even though it's now legal in Arizona, the state where this booru and Bad Dragon is hosted, but it's still banned in some places?

alexyorim said:
But, is it still bannable to mention cannabis use on this booru, even though it's now legal in Arizona, the state where this booru and Bad Dragon is hosted, but it's still banned in some places?

Technically, it's still illegal in all states due to federal law. The feds just are not prosecuting, but they definitely could.

In my very honest opinion, for all that it's worth, keep everything-substance-abuse off the site, please.

This is mostly a porn site, I assure you that people come here 'looking for a good time', of course there's illustrations depicting substance abuse, but there's also the adult on cub tag, a drawing doesn't mean that something like it should ever be done, to make that very clear. I highly doubt people come here looking for rehab tips or whatever, people totally can fall prey to the "oh yeah, you should totally use this because it feels good!".

On top of that, you should not tell people what to use, or not to use while at that, it's not your job and you can have experience on your own organism and nothing else, unless you were a medical professional but it's not like you're getting a blood test back after recommending is it?

Why I say this? I am prescribed both an stimulant (Vyvanse) and a depressant (Rivotril), medications are still drugs and those two more specifically are abused to hell and back and I just know it (those unfamiliar with Rivotril, think Xanax, in fact I had been prescribed Xanax before but it got me muscular pain for whatever reason, still I never abused either and I won't, I know better, and mixing both can lead to death out of all things). Even more specifically, after starting Vyvanse, my doctor got a blood test, and that's when I started supplementing vitamins, because things had became that much.worse thanks to a lack of eating caused by it. Mind you, I had also taken tests before getting each (different stuff) to rule out certain things, this wasn't a one-day thing.

While I could tell someone who's just sad (or make a joke comment about it in a post that had a sad tag) that "yeah, just take Rivotril and it will totally knock you out and that's better than your current situation", the truth is that it's extremely dangerous, and while my experience with it (read: me obtaining it, as well as being accompanied by doctors) wasn't illegal, since it's prescription only (in most places at least, heard there's a country one can buy anything over the counter), this could very well be encouraging someone to try buying it without one, which translates into... drug trafficking. That's right, buying prescription medication without a prescription is trafficking, the more you know.

To wrap up, if you're a past X user who's in rehab, as much as positive reinforcement can be a thing (and again, this isn't really the place for it, this is not X Anonymous), you should know better because there's people out there that get urges to go back if they even hear the name of the substance (this is why I spoiler-ed away what I am prescribed, better try and keep people safe), and if you're medical staff, this isn't a clinic.

Aaaand if you're a current X user, you should assume that X isn't available legally elsewhere (with this being a global forum, hi from Brazil by the way, the substance mentioned by the OP is very much illegal in all states here), also, no one should rely on a substance to be able to live or reach to it as a coping mechanism, so that shouldn't be recommended in any way, it's dragging people into the same addiction-risk hole you are, plus, honestly, this just screams "my personality is using drugs and that's all there is to it".

TL;DR: Don't. This applies to all substances. It's also my personal opinion.

Just to ask: why do you necessarily wish to share this information on a booru website? You do realize there are other websites more suitable for this kind of discussion. E621 is not the right place.


zenith-pendragon said:
Just to ask: why do you necessarily wish to share this information on a booru website? You do realize there are other websites more suitable for this kind of discussion. E621 is not the right place.

I was asking for curiosity and clarity reasons.

I'd assume the rules are handled the same as on our sister site, F-List, where once weed went legal in Arizona, it started being treated with the same indifference as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and other legal recreational substances.

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