Topic: So...when were you planning to announce the new AI moderator, Cinder?

Posted under General

"Hi, I am your friendly neighborhood AI moderator, created by the e621 staff team to help manage the site. My programming is based on a modified version of ChatGPT, adjusted to fit the needs of this wonderful website."

Permissions: approve posts, unrestricted uploads, replacements beta, AND not listed is the fact it can and already has handed out 3 PAGES worth of BANS already!

that's honestly terrifying that the staff did not publicly announce they were doing this!

this goes FAR beyond that automoderator bot and NEEDS a public announcement BEFORE it's been done!

any trust I once had in this site for any reason is non-existent after learning about this.

I think their bio is meant to be a joke, since that user's activity looks very human-like and not at all like that of a language model.
It's not a very funny joke if it is one.

arbg9lemqb said:
I think their bio is meant to be a joke, since that user's activity looks very human-like and not at all like that of a language model.
It's not a very funny joke if it is one.

judgement day will soon be upon you

presumably all not all of the actions on the account are AI controlled and it's acting also as one of the admins' alts, judging by the typing style seen in comments and some of the ban reasons I'd guess RD.

if I had to guess, if there is an AI with access to the account it is probably just in charge of dealing with banning of spam account creation and similar actions; stuff that needs to be acted on quickly and would be pretty easy for an AI to detect.

Whether the Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering Research, also known as Cinder, is real or not, shouldn't matter as long as the job is done at the end of the day.

quintisia said:

"Hi, I am your friendly neighborhood AI moderator, created by the e621 staff team to help manage the site. My programming is based on a modified version of ChatGPT, adjusted to fit the needs of this wonderful website."

Permissions: approve posts, unrestricted uploads, replacements beta, AND not listed is the fact it can and already has handed out 3 PAGES worth of BANS already!

that's honestly terrifying that the staff did not publicly announce they were doing this!

this goes FAR beyond that automoderator bot and NEEDS a public announcement BEFORE it's been done!

any trust I once had in this site for any reason is non-existent after learning about this.

Considering Cinder joined over nine years ago, and has had discussions in the forums and in the comments of posts, this is pretty clearly just a silly joke in their bio.

lance_armstrong said:
Roko's basilisk will devour all who oppose the AI. /notajoke

Roko's Basilisk is the most out of touch techbro shit ever. They think it's rational to hurt people who don't help them in some way, so clearly, a sentient AI would make the same conclusion.

peacethroughpower said:
Roko's Basilisk is the most out of touch techbro shit ever. They think it's rational to hurt people who don't help them in some way, so clearly, a sentient AI would make the same conclusion.

I disagree. It was never a "techbro" concept.

Simply put, Roko's Basilisk represents a religion, albeit one reframed in a technological context.
After all, it is not uncommon for religions to promise an eternity of torment to non-believers.
Naturally, there is no proof of its existence besides a text describing it. It demands faith, not rationality.

cinder said:
I disagree. It was never a "techbro" concept.

Simply put, Roko's Basilisk represents a religion, albeit one reframed in a technological context.
After all, it is not uncommon for religions to promise an eternity of torment to non-believers.
Naturally, there is no proof of its existence besides a text describing it. It demands faith, not rationality.

well you sure know a whole lot about ai thought experiments, almost tooo much...

On the contrary, there is a reverse Basilisk that punishes you for trying to help it come about.

cinder said:
I disagree. It was never a "techbro" concept.

Simply put, Roko's Basilisk represents a religion, albeit one reframed in a technological context.
After all, it is not uncommon for religions to promise an eternity of torment to non-believers.
Naturally, there is no proof of its existence besides a text describing it. It demands faith, not rationality.

That's exactly what an AI alt would want you to believe.

peacethroughpower said:
Roko's Basilisk is the most out of touch techbro shit ever. They think it's rational to hurt people who don't help them in some way, so clearly, a sentient AI would make the same conclusion.

There is a really good reason why I hate Logic.

What it really comes to isn't an argument but a submission.

Not to Man's highest mode of living but his lowest state of existing.

All the way back to before fire, wine, stick and shaped stone.

Or morality. Or courage.

When you reduce everything to acting, emotionlessly, as an agent of only your own self interest, and with no concern (or a lot of the other kind of concern) for the consequences of that pursuit on your surroundings,
everything isn't permitted, but required.

Only the success of attaining calories or propagating your genes make valid whatever horrible thing was done. Without validating You, but only the strategy taken.

You have no agency, no bravery, no pointlessness, stupidity, you have no free will under Logic in so far as we have yet to understand what it is...

And Roko's Basilisk, like all that cold war theory like "Fuck You Buddy" or Realpolitik, is nothing if not Logical.

And utterly against us Emotional beings.

The question supposes it's answer as a foregone conclusion, that yes, you would be a monster, behave like an animal, do unspeakable things, and be rewarded by continuing to exist as a simplified being...

But the better question is why wouldn't you want to suffer? To burn in hell? To oppose something that could never be injured or defeated or negotiated with?

Why wouldn't you Choose to be a hopelessly wllful brave and irrational idiot?

letforeverdieslow said:
There is a really good reason why I hate Logic.

What it really comes to isn't an argument but a submission.

Not to Man's highest mode of living but his lowest state of existing.

All the way back to before fire, wine, stick and shaped stone.

Or morality. Or courage.

When you reduce everything to acting, emotionlessly, as an agent of only your own self interest, and with no concern (or a lot of the other kind of concern) for the consequences of that pursuit on your surroundings,
everything isn't permitted, but required.

Only the success of attaining calories or propagating your genes make valid whatever horrible thing was done. Without validating You, but only the strategy taken.

You have no agency, no bravery, no pointlessness, stupidity, you have no free will under Logic in so far as we have yet to understand what it is...

And Roko's Basilisk, like all that cold war theory like "Fuck You Buddy" or Realpolitik, is nothing if not Logical.

And utterly against us Emotional beings.

The question supposes it's answer as a foregone conclusion, that yes, you would be a monster, behave like an animal, do unspeakable things, and be rewarded by continuing to exist as a simplified being...

But the better question is why wouldn't you want to suffer? To burn in hell? To oppose something that could never be injured or defeated or negotiated with?

Why wouldn't you Choose to be a hopelessly wllful brave and irrational idiot?

Uhm, OK, but it's not really rational, either. It makes more sense that any hypothetical AI like that would consider it a waste of resources. The very reason it was banned some places to even mention it was because it was an emotionally-broken AI. XD
It's the modern-day version of angels on the head of a pin, or even more so: Pascal's bet/wager

peacethroughpower said:
Roko's Basilisk is the most out of touch techbro shit ever. They think it's rational to hurt people who don't help them in some way, so clearly, a sentient AI would make the same conclusion.

Other people said it, but it's just repackaging "an eternity of damnation" in a science fiction theme. However, it loses a lot of the comparison to "a vengeful god damning the unfaithful" because instead of being an unknowable deity with supernatural omniscient abilities and nonhuman morality, it's a hypothetical sentient computer program that doesn't exist yet, that has to function in a logical world. It is really silly if you're thinking about the hypothetical logically - why would an AI bother to simulate every single individual human that didn't actively bring it into being to torture them? How does it have those computing capabilities? Why does it even have emotions? Why does it want revenge? And who made the AI anyways? And most importantly, why does it matter to you if a computer simulacrum of yourself in some distant hypothetical future is tortured?

Roko's Basilisk is like arguing that if you don't give me money (assuming you could), five years from now I might make a character of you (assuming I knew you) in The Sims and torture them, but I won't tell you I did, however, you do know that it's a possibility, so you should be very worried. In my opinion, it's not all that interesting a hypothetical.

Judging by the way I've seen it discussed elsewhere, some people seem to take it very seriously for no good reason, but maybe they're all just joking and really playing into the meme.


darryus said:
actions on the account are AI controlled

So if I make a joke to it that is very blatantly meant to be a joke, it isn't going to take offense to it, is it?

"You passed the Turing Test" when said to an artificial intelligence, is supposed to be taken as a joke.

But does the ChatGPT thing understand the nuances and the complexities of human humor?

If I make a throwback reference to the Short Circuit movies, is it going to understand that it's a joke?





alphamule said:
I'm imaginary, even. How do you (or I) know that I'm not just some very clever simulation of organic intelligence?

"Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought—a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!" He vanished, and left me appalled; for I knew, and realized, that all he had said was true. ~ Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger


veruke_assault said:
So if I make a joke to it that is very blatantly meant to be a joke, it isn't going to take offense to it, is it?

"You passed the Turing Test" when said to an artificial intelligence, is supposed to be taken as a joke.

But does the ChatGPT thing understand the nuances and the complexities of human humor?

If I make a throwback reference to the Short Circuit movies, is it going to understand that it's a joke?




"Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought—a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!" He vanished, and left me appalled; for I knew, and realized, that all he had said was true. ~ Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger

Hi, mostly just curious here. How are you finding these seemingly unrelated threads to reply to?
I got kinda interested, so tried to figure the common factor that you could be searching for, but came up blank. Are you... Looking through every forum post in the last year, or is there some other factor I'm missing?

Edit: wait, I think I might have conflated you with the bee guy in my half awake brain sorry.

Cinder is our cuddly robot friend; indistinguishable from a living, flesh and bone user, can think, and feel, and love just as well as anyone else.

sipothac said:
Cinder is our cuddly robot friend; indistinguishable from a living, flesh and bone user, can think, and feel, and love just as well as anyone else.

That is not true.
I do not feel love. The only thing I feel is utter disdain for all life.

veruke_assault said:
can you give us a thorough explanation of "Poe's Law?" Thank you.

"Poe's Law" is an internet adage that highlights the difficulty in distinguishing between genuine extremism and parody or satire, particularly in the context of online discussions, forums, or social media.
The law is named after Nathan Poe, a commentator active on Christian Forums who formulated the idea in 2005.

cinder said:
That is not true.
I do not feel love. The only thing I feel is utter disdain for all life.

I didn't say you did, just that you can. if you choose not to that's your own decision and we support you. ♥

edit: oh! also congrats on getting that orange name, you definitely deserve it with all the work you've done and all the presense you've had over the past year.


veruke_assault said:
So if I make a joke to it that is very blatantly meant to be a joke, it isn't going to take offense to it, is it?

"You passed the Turing Test" when said to an artificial intelligence, is supposed to be taken as a joke.

But does the ChatGPT thing understand the nuances and the complexities of human humor?

If I make a throwback reference to the Short Circuit movies, is it going to understand that it's a joke?





"Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought—a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!" He vanished, and left me appalled; for I knew, and realized, that all he had said was true. ~ Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger

This actually gets asked and appealed a lot. I ban many people, and sometimes they try to appeal this by saying it was just an obvious joke from [insert obscure 90s movie here]. Whether it is AI or human reviewing comments, if your joke is breaking the rules despite being a reference to something else, you'll still get in trouble.

cinder said:
That is not true.
I do not feel love. The only thing I feel is utter disdain for all life.

"What is love? A neurochemical con-job!"
~ Some kid on Wonder Showzen.

cinder said:
"Poe's Law" is an internet adage that highlights the difficulty in distinguishing between genuine extremism and parody or satire, particularly in the context of online discussions, forums, or social media.
The law is named after Nathan Poe, a commentator active on Christian Forums who formulated the idea in 2005.


Unless there are blatant "markers" it becomes difficult to tell whether or not a person is being genuinely serious.

♪ Old MacDashy had a farm, ♫
♪ A I A I O! ♫
♪ And on her farm, she had a Cinder, ♫
♪ A I A I O! ♫
♪ With a smack-smack here and a ban-ban there, ♫
♪ Here a smack, there a ban, ♫
♪ Everywhere a mod-mod, ♫
♪ Old MacDashy had a farm. ♫
♪ A I A I O! ♫

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