Topic: Made In Abyss pollution

Posted under General

some arts are being posted with the tag Narehate which is implicated in Made_In_Abyss and is polluting the tag with arts unrelated to the series. I wanna know the best way to stop this.

ghostinbeta said:
some arts are being posted with the tag Narehate which is implicated in Made_In_Abyss and is polluting the tag with arts unrelated to the series. I wanna know the best way to stop this.


ghostinbeta said:
some arts are being posted with the tag Narehate which is implicated in Made_In_Abyss and is polluting the tag with arts unrelated to the series. I wanna know the best way to stop this.

If you're looking for a specific Narehate character, you can use their character tag. If you're looking official Narehate characters in general, you could use Narehate -fan_character, which may not work well depending on how diligent people have been about tagging fan character. You could also search all official Narehate characters by using all of their tags, like ~nanachi ~faputa ~ect

That said, you do seem to have a valid criticism here. Narehates don't have super defined visual traits, and can vary a lot from character to character, so fan characters that don't mimic a specific Narehate character are using Narehate as a lore tag. Examples: post #4088289 post #4085627 post #3790181

For those images, the best way to fix the issue is to remove the tag on the offending images when you find them. I always try to leave an edit reason when removing a tag, but it's especially important in this case due to the subjectivity of if a character has the traits of a Narehate or not. Another way to help with the issue would be for someone who's familiar with the series to write a summary of what traits a Narehate should have to be tagged on the wiki, but I'm not sure how much that would help because making such a list might be impossible, and because almost nobody reads the wikis before tagging anyways.

oozeenthusiast said:
Narehate as a lore tag.

That has got to be one of the funniest and oddly specific lore tag that could exist.

Like, you've got : The canon age of a character, or the blood relations of characters... and then there's "Also a VERY general species from Made in abyss". That's like turning the "Stand_(jjba)" or "blade_(xenoblade)" tags into lore too

benjiboyo said:
That has got to be one of the funniest and oddly specific lore tag that could exist.

Like, you've got : The canon age of a character, or the blood relations of characters... and then there's "Also a VERY general species from Made in abyss". That's like turning the "Stand_(jjba)" or "blade_(xenoblade)" tags into lore too

Yeah, it's a problem. These tags aren't lore tags, so people tagging what they know when it isn't shown makes the tag less useful. It isn't just a problem here, the idea that something can be true about about an image, but still shouldn't be tagged on the image isn't the most intuitive one to new taggers.

oozeenthusiast said:
If you're looking for a specific Narehate character, you can use their character tag. If you're looking official Narehate characters in general, you could use Narehate -fan_character, which may not work well depending on how diligent people have been about tagging fan character. You could also search all official Narehate characters by using all of their tags, like ~nanachi ~faputa ~ect

That said, you do seem to have a valid criticism here. Narehates don't have super defined visual traits, and can vary a lot from character to character, so fan characters that don't mimic a specific Narehate character are using Narehate as a lore tag. Examples: post #4088289 post #4085627 post #3790181

For those images, the best way to fix the issue is to remove the tag on the offending images when you find them. I always try to leave an edit reason when removing a tag, but it's especially important in this case due to the subjectivity of if a character has the traits of a Narehate or not. Another way to help with the issue would be for someone who's familiar with the series to write a summary of what traits a Narehate should have to be tagged on the wiki, but I'm not sure how much that would help because making such a list might be impossible, and because almost nobody reads the wikis before tagging anyways.

oozeenthusiast said:
If you're looking for a specific Narehate character, you can use their character tag. If you're looking official Narehate characters in general, you could use Narehate -fan_character, which may not work well depending on how diligent people have been about tagging fan character. You could also search all official Narehate characters by using all of their tags, like ~nanachi ~faputa ~ect

That said, you do seem to have a valid criticism here. Narehates don't have super defined visual traits, and can vary a lot from character to character, so fan characters that don't mimic a specific Narehate character are using Narehate as a lore tag. Examples: post #4088289 post #4085627 post #3790181

For those images, the best way to fix the issue is to remove the tag on the offending images when you find them. I always try to leave an edit reason when removing a tag, but it's especially important in this case due to the subjectivity of if a character has the traits of a Narehate or not. Another way to help with the issue would be for someone who's familiar with the series to write a summary of what traits a Narehate should have to be tagged on the wiki, but I'm not sure how much that would help because making such a list might be impossible, and because almost nobody reads the wikis before tagging anyways.

In this case, I'll look for the context of the images to know when it's a fan_character, if not i'll remove the tags in question.

Is there any narehate that exist outside of Made In Abyss?

Even pony OC's are tagged with MLP, so this may fall under the same thing.

Also, huge Made In Abyss fan here, so I got your back.

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