Topic: Makin spaghetti

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Every time I visit a dog owner's home, my clothes always end up covered in fur. I wonder how much fur they accidentally eat.

Fluffy ponies are hardwired to love spaghetti. They call it sketti. Primarily it's meant to be a simple meal which only humans can make, which, given how they're designed to be entirely reliant on humans, only gives them even more control. Some use this for abuse.

More to the point, I imagine shedding is less of an issue if you shower and scrub regularly.

peacethroughpower said:
Fluffy ponies are hardwired to love spaghetti. They call it sketti. Primarily it's meant to be a simple meal which only humans can make, which, given how they're designed to be entirely reliant on humans, only gives them even more control. Some use this for abuse.

More to the point, I imagine shedding is less of an issue if you shower and scrub regularly.

And use brooms and mops and clean your vents. :P

obbolg said:
how was the spaghetti was it good?

What compelled you to dig through the archives of dead threads to find a random post about making spaghetti and to ask the OP how it tasted a year after the fact?



thegreatwolfgang said:
What compelled you to dig through the archives of dead threads to find a random post about making spaghetti and to ask the OP how it tasted a year after the fact?

*Goes to get some more* Hmm, feeling lazy, time to open a can. ;)

But yeah, that's an odd thing to resurrect. It's not like there was an ongoing 10yo tagging project that had new issues. It's just... food.

Well, since us humans already have problems with hair in our food i don't think that it would be too different

As someone who’s worked at a restaurant and had to wear a hair restraint, I’ve wondered how this would apply to anthros. Would some animals not be allowed to work in the food industry? Or even certain occupations all together? Or we can just assume they wear full body hairnets

afanofskulldogs said:
As someone who’s worked at a restaurant and had to wear a hair restraint, I’ve wondered how this would apply to anthros. Would some animals not be allowed to work in the food industry? Or even certain occupations all together? Or we can just assume they wear full body hairnets

interesting thoughts indeed, perhaps reptilians are the best fit for chefs, they're cold blooded and don't have fur to overheat them, so a hot oven in summer wouldn't bother them much and they have no fur to lose in the food.

when i worked fast food i remember someone getting so mad at me because she found an eyelash in her food, as if we could possibly wear hairnets on our eyes.