Topic: please help me upload the rest of ultilix's Leo series

Posted under General

recently ultilix got hit by FA's horny bat and that includes some art featuring her character leo_the_magician, so i've been working extra hard to mirror the comics of her series that haven't been already

currently that's everything that came out before leo: truth or dare and i've already uploaded the first 3 major chapters (making a friend, the visitor, and an intruder) but i don't know if i have the energy to upload all 53 pages that are left all by myself

so i beg anyone that's reading this: help me reupload the rest of the comics! here's a link to her comics folder which just so happens to be mostly populated by leo comics:
(i'll be focusing on "taming a beast" so maybe try avoiding uploading pages from that chapter in case of double posting)

and if you have both an inkbunny and furaffinity account; double check for other art that is on her fa but not inkbun, especially art with even slight height differences (since that's what this whoke kerfuffle is all about) and get. that. on. here. regardless if it's a leo comic or a one-off

The FA exodus has probably wrecked hell on the approval queue length... Yeah, if you used Raccoony and just clicked through every post in the gallery, you'd have the archive. I configure it to keep the metadata including original filenames and full description, in case it's ever needed.

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