Topic: Should Non-Approved Posts Affect Post Limits?

Posted under General

I got a question to ask people who use this site but Should Non-Approved (As in nobody approved it for 30 days) Posts Affect Post Limits?

Like it wasn't like you are at fault yet you are being punished for them not saying yes or no to your post

peacethroughpower said:
I believe the idea behind that is to mitigate the possibility of someone flooding the site with crap.

Oh I agree, but your limit is effected by Approved/Deleted ratio so if you happen to post at a busy time and an admin misses your art you shouldn't be punished for that, like you are already using valuable upload slots that are being held for 30 days

The general idea is that if your post wasn't approved within 30 days it's because none of the staff believed it was good enough to be approved, but it wasn't bad enough to be outright deleted. It does happen, on occasion, that stuff just slips through the cracks.

Automod deletions can be appealed to NotMeNotYou, and if they're successfully undeleted that will remove the penalty to your upload limit.

faucet said:
The general idea is that if your post wasn't approved within 30 days it's because none of the staff believed it was good enough to be approved, but it wasn't bad enough to be outright deleted. It does happen, on occasion, that stuff just slips through the cracks.

Automod deletions can be appealed to NotMeNotYou, and if they're successfully undeleted that will remove the penalty to your upload limit.

It's good that they have a way for you to Appeal but again, this is more of a general question about should it effect your overall as it's basically "Meh, we just can't be asked to approve or disapprove this so we would rather just make it so you can't upload more for 30 days then also get the punishment as someone who posted pure jank" like I rather them just go "Nah" and give me the punishment then wait 30 days

The standards for 3D art have to be fairly high since once you get beyond modeling it's very easy to mass-produce. I wouldn't be too worried just because your upload limit went down by one when you uploaded something outside your usual.
(No, I don't think slipping-through-the-cracks is what happened here.)

To be fair, they're very very loose. It would take special effort to get into the negatives or something awful.

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