Topic: Is There Any Way To Block Out All Female Genitalia Except Canine_Pussy?

Posted under General

I'm not sure if this is the right place but since it doesn't have to do with tagging I think it is. Basically if I want to make it so the only female genitalia pictures I see while browsing posts are ones with a canine pussy is there any way to accomplish this via the blacklist or is my only option to just blacklist female and pussy and then disable blacklist and use canine_pussy to search for them specifically? I tried adding humanoid_pussy to the blacklist but that seemed to do pretty much nothing as that tag is hardly ever used so that didn't help, maybe tagging for that is lacking idk.

Oh I didn't know it was possible to do that, after adding some other tags and adding -canine_pussy to the end of it that seems to work now, thank you very much!

Blacklists work line by line so you can do fun things like filter ratings or scores above or below a certain point, too.

Praise Kane, GDI scum.

Oh that's interesting though I like to see posts with low scores, if anything seeing a post that's downvoted makes me want to check it out all the more, morbid curiosity and all haha.

Your false prophet cannot protect you.

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