Topic: What to do with LGBT* tags

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

LGBT* was aliased to LGBT_pride (which is used for pride colors, parades, etc, not just a gay person standing in his underwear) but people were constantly adding LGBT to any gay post, and thus tons of mistags.

I deleted the aliases, but now I need some suggestions on the best thing to do with the tags. Invalidate? Alias to something similar?

I think no matter what we alias it to, mistags will happen. Invalidating ought to be the safest approach.



rainbow_dash said:
LGBT* was aliased to LGBT_pride (which is used for pride colors, parades, etc, not just a gay person standing in his underwear) but people were constantly adding LGBT to any gay post, and thus tons of mistags.

I deleted the aliases, but now I need some suggestions on the best thing to do with the tags. Invalidate? Alias to something similar?

IIRC, there was some suggestions to change the gay, lesbian, straight, etc, tag aliases, for largely the same reason (people tagging it for characters that were gay/lesbian/straight, and causing a lot of mistags for male/male, female/female, male/female where they don't apply). The idea was to change the aliases to some kind of "sexuality" tag and place it in the Invalid category. LGBT* could be included in that alias set, though T/trans isn't a sexuality so it may not be terribly accurate.

strikerman said:
I think no matter what we alias it to, mistags will happen. Invalidating ought to be the safest approach.

Definitely agree, it's so broad that I can't imagine any tag would work well as an alias

watsit said:
IIRC, there was some suggestions to change the gay, lesbian, straight, etc, tag aliases, for largely the same reason (people tagging it for characters that were gay/lesbian/straight, and causing a lot of mistags for male/male, female/female, male/female where they don't apply). The idea was to change the aliases to some kind of "sexuality" tag and place it in the Invalid category. LGBT* could be included in that alias set, though T/trans isn't a sexuality so it may not be terribly accurate.

tbh gay, lesbian and straight should be lore tags.

This is a classic example of a "discoverability tag", in the same bin as yiff, adult, furryart and commissionsopen. Artists have been mistaking e621 for Twitter since time immemorial, and no doubt the problem has got worse recently with a new wave of refugees. There's no one neat trick for automatically fixing a tag which does not apply to anything in the image and was not applied by someone who has the first clue of how tags are supposed to work, and often has no interest in learning either. Invalidation is the only viable solution in the short term, and in the long term the staff should really look into implementing my suggestions in topic #32987 and topic #34241 (64 pages of male/male solo results and counting).

wat8548 said:
This is a classic example of a "discoverability tag", in the same bin as yiff, adult, furryart and commissionsopen. Artists have been mistaking e621 for Twitter since time immemorial, and no doubt the problem has got worse recently with a new wave of refugees. There's no one neat trick for automatically fixing a tag which does not apply to anything in the image and was not applied by someone who has the first clue of how tags are supposed to work, and often has no interest in learning either. Invalidation is the only viable solution in the short term, and in the long term the staff should really look into implementing my suggestions in topic #32987 and topic #34241 (64 pages of male/male solo results and counting).

Geez, I'd almost be tempted to ask for permission to script that last one if it was my job. That seems to demand using a tagging tool or janitor function to clean up. Too bad there isn't a way to mass update something like this:
update +male/male +solo -> Garbagetagkids_0000 (removing all that match both at once into a new temporary tag)
alias Garbagetagkids_0000 -> male/male after removing all the valid solo posts (or reverse the order if it seems more common the other way around)
I mean, you could probably script this, but there is no magical way to remove ALL the non-solo posts from your list of post edits to make.
I wonder if searching for -duo -group etc. would help. :facepalm:
If you could magically split that garbage tag''s results into bins, then we wouldn't need tags in the first place other than for efficiency? Oh well...

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