Topic: Jooshy = Oatmegaplus

Posted under General

Okay, this one will need a bit of explaining so bear with me.

Let’s start simple: A while ago I noticed that the artists Jooshy and Oatmegaplus are the same person (If the artstyle didn’t make it obvious enough, the artist also confirmed it on his “Twitter account”: ).
Normally, we would just make an alias and that’s it or leave it as a separate tag, because the artist intentionally made multiple accounts, which focus on different stuff. The second applies here. Jooshy uses his main account for NSFW and all the latex stuff he is famous for and Oatmegaplus for SFW, robots and memes.

But there is the problem: Sometimes Jooshy uploads the same picture on both of his accounts and just changes the signature (and sometimes zooms a bit out). And that is enough to throw off e6’s Similar Image Search.

post #2238407 post #3387568

After noticing it with the two posts above I checked three other pictures from the artist’s SFW account and ended up with similar results. (The only reason I didn’t already flag the lower res picture of my example is that I first wanted to make this post.)

So, what are we gonna do about that? I wanted to list in the following a couple of options I came up with, but while typing I realized that most of them don’t make sense or wouldn’t help in the slightest. So, only two of my ideas are left:

1. Do nothing. Just leave the tags be and live with the potential for more mistakes.

2. Implication from oatmegaplus to jooshy. The Similar Image Search might still not notice that a picture with the signature oatmegaplus is already uploaded under jooshy (or the other way around), but the user, who wants to upload it can look through the posts with the tag jooshy and perhaps see it. Also, whoever wants to search for Jooshy’s SFW stuff can still use oatmegaplus and doesn’t have to worry about the LOAD of kinky latex pictures from his main account.

(I originally also wanted to list the option to alias oatmegaplus to jooshy, but this would just cause confusion, because of the different signatures and like I said two tags for two accounts each with a different focus is alright. Also, IF someone wants to find the SFW stuff after the tags were aliased… Good luck. Even the oatmegaplus content involves latex, but not with a kinky intention.)

What do you think about that? Do you have any better ideas?
Also, thanks to everyone who reads through my ramblings. I don’t even know if I still make sense at this point.

Since it's not meant to be a secret nsfw account (the artist confirmed it on their "sfw"/softcore twitter) it's probably fine to just alias them. The artist doesn't seem to mind people knowing the other alias is them. Could be good to ask them just to make sure though.

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