Topic: Fifty Shades of Grey and furry commissions

Posted under Art Talk

This question is for the furry porn artists here:
Are people asking you to draw more bondage, now that Fifty Shades of Grey is in the movie theaters?

Updated by silentstorm

Believe it or not, I know at least one artist that made a journal about him not wanting to do bondage commissions due to the movie and recent requests

Updated by anonymous

I'm still pretty sad that people will read that trash instead of... pretty much anything else.

I want to say, "At least they're reading something," but I dunno...

Updated by anonymous

I did a lot of bondage BEFORE the book or movie. It's kinda something I'm into anyway.
But to answer your question more specifically, I haven't actually seen much of an influx in bondage commissions/requests recently. We'll see if that stays true in the next few weeks when I reopen though.

Updated by anonymous

I got a few (6-7) the night the movie came out. It was like 3am when my inbox lit up but I'm not exactly a high level creator so I guess that's kinda irrelevant. However I'm sure this trend will die down very quickly. Either that, or 6,000,000 screaming 19 year olds will suddenly realize bondage is their thing and furrys will have a lot of company coming their way.

Updated by anonymous

I'm gonna say no because furries are all like "eww! hoomans!"
Yes, of course I'm joking. :T

Updated by anonymous

Well I don't do commissions, but the bondage art is one of the main reasons I come on here, and I've seen quite a bit new stuff popping up ever since that movie came out.

Updated by anonymous

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