Topic: Exploring the "Gender Changing Drug Trope" in Art. I like it.

Posted under General

A/N: changed the post title, it was kinda weird. I don't think of titles well for posts

The art / idea of drug usage that genetically alters one's gender into the opposite sex. It's more like an extreme form of sissification or what ever is the female equivalent to FTM.
This hangs in the Crossgender tags MTF & FTM and is like the hardcor form of Crossdressing mixed with the girly tag.

I'm really fond & curious of the scientific implications of such a thing. Imagining what it's like to have a drug readly available to the public where any man can become a woman & any woman can become a man with just one little drug/potion.

It sorta stems from the fact that even my bisexual ass who is male ALSO yerns to be female myself, but I was born male I choose to just live it out as intended. I got RNG'd into being male, sucks but it is what it is.
So my fascination about anything that can change a person's genetics into the opposite sex is like, really cool to me.

If we can honset to god just get the scientists to work on such a thing it'd be so friggin DOPE.

Man, that'd be so cool.
What are your thoughts about it guys? I'd love to know your take.
I made this forum post because I remembered a post I commented on where I brought up such a subject. I'd really like opinions.

Is there honestly any news of those eggheads in the labs working on any gender changing Drugs that are even more powerful than estrogen & HRT therapy?
I guess not, that'd be news if such a thing was made public...

seriously, SCP-113 would be a godsend, give it to humanity now. OR FRIGGIN MAKE IT!


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