Topic: Set Creation

Posted under General

How do you create sets?

When I try to add something to a set I just get this broken box

Nevermind. Finally found out how. Now this will just let the world know I was this dumb.

Either way imma put this here for other people who clicked here and do not know how to create sets

At the top of every e621 page you can see close to Pools and Wiki the "Sets" page
Clicking there you can also see "List" "New" "Help" "Mine" "Invites"

New is what you are looking for, click there and boom you now are creating a set
After that at the bottom of every post you can see something like "Add to Set", and you click select which set you want to to add the post in
There is already an explanation at the moment you create a new set but I guess people can also miss it

Use set metatags on uploading new posts (or editing existing ones) to save a step.

Add set:123456 where you replaced the number with the empty set you created. So long as you submit edits or uploads in order, they'll get added in the correct order on the set. I use this for pools where the order matters.

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