Topic: Access problems.

Posted under General

Hi. Damn, I realize this sounds weird, but I want to ask you guys why my friend got this here when trying to upload a drawing or even create a thread on the forum.

"Access Denied
You do not have permission to visit this page."

Seriously, my friend has not received any warning about violating the forum rules, none of his uploaded drawings have been deleted, but the profile itself seems to be locked. Weird? I guess so. I'd love to hear from you as to why such a thing could happen in principle.

blauehexe said:
Hi. Damn, I realize this sounds weird, but I want to ask you guys why my friend got this here when trying to upload a drawing or even create a thread on the forum.

"Access Denied
You do not have permission to visit this page."

Seriously, my friend has not received any warning about violating the forum rules, none of his uploaded drawings have been deleted, but the profile itself seems to be locked. Weird? I guess so. I'd love to hear from you as to why such a thing could happen in principle.

Is their account younger than 3 or 7 days? (But then how did they upload the drawings, hmm)

snpthecat said:
The only thing I can think of is that it's caused by an overreaching ip ban. Are they on a vpn, using tor, or the like?

Yes, because in our country officially banned access to this site and without vpn the site does not work at all.

snpthecat said:
The only thing I can think of is that it's caused by an overreaching ip ban. Are they on a vpn, using tor, or the like?

Oh my God. Yes. It's me, lol. I restarted the VPN, waited 10 minutes and everything worked. Damn, I was so scared that my account was blocked... Ahah, lol, I'm happy and I feel a little silly :"D

blauehexe said:
Yes, because in our country officially banned access to this site and without vpn the site does not work at all.

The solution is probably to set the vpn to another area.

Just to satiate my curiosity, when did they stop being able to access this site by vpn, and when did they start using vpn for this site? If the time gap between those events is large, maybe a person using a vpn to ban evade/spam got ip banned recently.

volodyanocturne said:
Oh my God. Yes. It's me, lol. I restarted the VPN, waited 10 minutes and everything worked. Damn, I was so scared that my account was blocked... Ahah, lol, I'm happy and I feel a little silly :"D

Ey, happy ending!

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