Topic: [APPROVED] Tag alias: spiusnoe -> akanehanagoi

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Furthermore, the site's wiki can be edited by any one of us yahoos, so we really need some offsite way of linking the names. I admit that can be tough sometimes.

As an example, Akanehanagoi has a few sites, including their Twitter, but the Spiusnoe Twitter is currently defunct, which is unhelpful. What's even more unhelpful is that most everything is in Japanese and I can't read Japanese. The Wayback Machine has only two page captures for the latter Twitter, which are apparently formatting gobbledygook that says nothing to a human reader. Fortunately, the person who uploaded the sole picture tagged `spiusnoe` also provided a source that's to the Spiusnoe Twitter: When you click that, it redirects to a tweet on the Akanehanagoi Twitter.

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