Topic: sorry for not being on this site

Posted under Off Topic

Hello, this is KemonoLover96 and i'm back from this site. Sorry i haven't been here for so long, the reason is that i was very sick today and i cannot upload until i recover from my illness. And so on, i'm back.

Updated by GameManiac

That's good, but I really don't see why you should be apologizing for anything. I mean, it's not like you have responsibilities here.

Of course it's nice of you to upload so much, but nobody expects you to, nor is anyone going to be angry when you don't. So don't worry. :P

Updated by anonymous

No worries. I was happy to take a break from hunting down artist names for you. Just kidding! :)

Joking aside, I'm glad your feeling better. Remember, your own health is always going to be a higher priority than this site. This includes everyone from the occasional uploader and hardcore taggers all the way to EDF*.

*Unless something breaks :V

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
My taste in music is limited to those from video games and animation, so I thought you were linking to this at first.

I have well over 13,000 music files, and the majority are instrumentals, be they video games, animé, or this studio names Two Steps From Hell.

Updated by anonymous

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