Topic: DNP and Fanart

Posted under General

Do the rules for DNP/asking artists for permission to upload apply to fanart that we draw of their characters? If I drew fanart of someone's Yoshi oc, and decided to upload it without asking, is that breaching DNP even though it's my art?

DNP status only applies to artists and publishers and not character owners, with one notable exception for NSFW art of Paddington Bear.

Character owners are only able to make takedown requests.

There is also a rule against uploading edits of images if the character owner has requested not to, but no such rule regarding original images. Per rule 2.1;

Do not knowingly or repeatedly upload or share unauthorized edits of artwork after the original artist or character owner asked others not to.

dimoretpinel said:
Why him in particular

Because the copyright holder for the character filed a takedown and the site has to legally comply. In every other case, character owners don't get DNP for practical reasons

Wait wait did we really get the owner of Paddington Bear to file a takedown here? That's crazy to know. Now, Disney, I'd expect to see. But I didn't know others cared.

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