Topic: Religious Kink Consolidation: "Hierophilia"

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Hierophilia: the sexual attraction to, act of fetishizing of, {and/or heavily implying sexually charged presences of} religious figures, objects, settings, scenarios, traditions, or ancestral / spiritual teachings).
Etymology: From the Greek hieros, meaning sacred or holy, and philia, meaning attachment to.

This description encompasses a plethora of situations already present in a myriad of posts whilst not overlapping with religious scenarios that are unrelated to sex or fetish, yet this term is not well-known. Presently, tags allude to this kink name indirectly. They are unorganized and under-representing the kink's actual presence. Some tags most pertinent to searching this kink include sacrilegious, sacrilege, blasphemy, heretic, heresy, religion, islamic, christianity.

For redundancy's sake here's quick examples to convey the general idea here:

1) A nun forsaking her devotion to her religion in exchange for corrupted love with a demonic deity (self-explanatory.)

2) A rural married couple having tame vanilla sex in their bed with their religion's symbols adorning their walls and furniture (the act isn't regarding religion at all, yet religious iconography is.)

3) A young boy is now a man in a dangerous world. It's his tribe's cultural, spiritual, and / or ancient traditional "coming of age" rite to capture a member of the enemy tribe and make them your spouse. (Unorganized showings of faith through shared communal actions or activities also fall under the general umbrella even when no organized religious activity is implied.)

Adopting this tag can significantly streamline the search for religious related themes due to all the different possible avenues. Some of the tags pertinent to this kink include sacrilegious, sacrilege, blasphemy, heretic, heresy.

What do you all think about this?



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