As I've browsed this website, which is full to the brim with NSFW art, it brings about a strange sense of melancholy. There's plenty of lust buried deep within the chasms of this fiberoptic website, but...what about love? Where is it to be found? And how can it be found?
Sex without love to me is like icing without the entire cake, it's all your getting and nothing more. And to be honest, that's not what most people want out of a relationship. Lord knows I don't. So why do so many people come crawling to websites like these to pleasure themselves? Is it because they're lonely? Do the depraved and the cynical create artwork out of a sense of longing and isolation?
That got me thinking. What if furry sites like these weren't solemnly used for pornographic purposes, but also for dating purposes?
There's millions of people lonely out in the world today, and sometimes, all they need is a little love in their lives to make a change for the better. So where better to propose the idea of a dating forum than on a site that attracts people who have sex on their minds?
It's time for the lone wolf to be reintroduced to the pack.
Updated by Donovan DMC