Topic: [Spoilers] Just Finished Watching Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Dood. Death is Such-!

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A Jerk!

From the absolute FLOOD of Death Doodles
I was expecting a level-headed peep who'd play more of
a supporting role as the pivotal force that drives puss to
take life more seriously. Playing the villain for the most part
until he drops the act at the end to share that he does respect
Puss's past lives. While dying ridiculously, He did go out of
his way of making others who don't have the same privilege
of having 9 lives, time on earth better. He just wanted to
make sure that Puss understood that this was his last and
from now on, he'd better be trying 9 times harder than
all his past selves combined to keep being the hero the
people think he is before they meet again.

Buuuut~ At the end!
It's shown that the "act" was his true self, Death actually wanted to kill Puss
because he was arrogant! Just because the guy was arrogant, He doesn't
deserve to have his last life? You have Thumb Pie Lucifer over there,
ending lives by the second every time he's on screen. Yet the peep
who's spent 8 lifetimes trying to make others' lives better doesn't
deserve the last because his ego needed a major check and kinda
because he was a cat too?

Don't get me wrong, The Movie was Fantastic!
There are lots of biz worth watching and when Death Hound Showed
up for the first time, it was cool but looking back on it now after seeing
the ending it just makes me want to grab the guy by the scruff and
tell him:

Death, You're Bad At Your Job!

You were so close to being such a good
rep for the idea of Death, One that
appreciates life and the effect a single life
and have on another. Yet the Death here
Doesn't appreciate life, He's Biasly Gatekeeping it, Dood!

A good body and a sultry voice but, His work ethic
and Personality needs more of a check than Puss's.
I like the art for the guy but the character really
needs work being either an arbiter of fate who's
only doing what life needs him to do, or a peep
just as fallible as any other who could and would
'Break Rules' to get his favorites.

Being both makes me really confused why so many
peeps like this particular version over any other
personifications of death in media, Dood.

Still even if he was a jerk he made Puss get the message of FINALLY taking seriously his mortality and bonus of not being shy to ask for help for his friends.

It's also show that even gods aren't that perfect, probably his wolf persona is not his main one and Puss see him like that, we aren't sure if he is the same for other characters, which is interesting.

notknow said:
Still even if he was a jerk he made Puss get the message of FINALLY taking seriously his mortality and bonus of not being shy to ask for help for his friends.

I'm totally behind this message, What cheeses my onions is Death Himself,
not his role in the story. I was expecting a level-headed peep who'd play that
supporting role as the pivotal force that drives Puss to take life more seriously.

I was really expecting him to only be "Playing" the part of the villain until the
last act where he reveals that he does respect Puss's past lives. While dying ridiculously,
He did make the most of his lives by going out of his way to make the lives of those
who don't have the same privilege of having 9 lives, time on earth better. By
being their favorite fearless 'Hero.' Death could have seen through the persona at
first glance, Knowing that there was one thing he feared, Him.

But Wanted the legend to be more accurate by confronting Puss, hammering in from the
beginning that this IS your last chance, That he's always been there waiting for
this moment, Saying Every Little Thing to make the cat's hair stand on end with sheer terror,
Forcing him to confront his biggest fear. Cutting off every path to run away from it Metaphorically,
rhetorically, theoretically, poetically, and quite Literally. For this Legend to become the hero
in the story, The Hero of the Story, The Hero of Everyone's Story!

But, That wasn't it! They were Sooooo~ Tantalizingly close to wrapping everything
up with super satisfaction! But It turns out Death Hound did actually want to kill him
because Death took the legend at face value, Taking the line "He laughs at Death!" as a
mortal insult that needed correcting rather than a chance to see if he would actually
be the first when confronted with the real thing. Instead of a chance to strengthen the legend
as not someone who laughs at death but someone who laughs 'In spite' of death!
appreciating the things in front of him and encouraging others to do the same!

And that's the ending we got for the most part but, they kept Death as this selfish,
petty, and downright gullible doofus with skin thinner than 1 ply that could and would
hunt you down if you call him stupid. Makes a peep wonder if Death Hound's
"I killed a peep who slighted me" body count is higher than the Pie Devil's, Dood

notknow said:
It's also show that even gods aren't that perfect, probably his wolf persona is not his main one and Puss see him like that, we aren't sure if he is the same for other characters, which is interesting.

Not really, He goes out of his way to show and prove that he's not a part of Puss's Mind Palace
Saying point-blank that he's"

"Death. And I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or any other fancy way. I'M DEATH. STRAIGHT UP!"

Death in that universe, The universe itself said so and the fact that others could hear the whistle
at the end proves this harder. Death in that universe is so bias, Not taking peeps because it was
their time but because

"They wrote this really crappy thing about me in this letter, Ugh! You should have seen it!"

He isn't only not perfect, Not being perfect would be the former with him
getting personally involved to tweak the legend by revealing himself 'to' the Legend in order
for the 'Hero' to live up to the title. Doing the latter, Gatekeeping what people say about
him and literally killing peeps who don't comply shows a level of fallibility a peep pretending
to be the reaper would have.

And if it isn't revealed that Death Wasn't actually Death but a guy given or forced to
have the title of final judge, like Ghost Rider, Death Hound may be worse than
Thumb Demon character-wise.

Pastry Plague is written as an unapologetic monster that, from Act 1, you want gone
while Death is written to be the malevolent force with a bad attitude that drops the
pretenses in Act 3 to reveal he's just as big of a monster who would do the same if
someone said something bad about him. Where that could have been flipped on its
head by just revealing that it was all an act, Showing a softer side of the reaper
who enjoys life just as much as Puss and wants to make sure the legend keeps
others enjoying life just as much till their time comes.

They were so close, He could have been so much more than second fiddle to Berry
Baphomet. He was a reminder yeah, but he could have also been there to drive Puss
on to become a Hero Directly instead of indirectly. and I will never forgive the missed
chance to see Death hound with a real Friendly smile, Dood

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