Topic: whats wrong with this drawing?

Posted under Art Talk

This is the internet, I doubt you're ever going to get any definitive answer to that.

But I can tell you what I think when I see it -- it doesn't "read" -- it's not immediately obvious what is going on. This is something that cinematographers and animators in particular study, but IMO 99% of 'striking' (rather than 'ambiguous', 'indifferent', or 'mediocre') pictures are pictures that read very clearly.

There are other elements which contribute to the low readability of this image (dirty particles on the paper, and stray pencil marks)

Updated by anonymous

To be honest(and no offense!), there're some things in that drawing that(in my own opinion) may cause it to have a negative score.

*Feet/Crush fetish
Many viewers aren't a fan on feet/crush fetish(including me). But is there a true/hidden meaning behind the drawing where stuff is being crushed by a giant foot?

*Non-digital drawing / Messy artwork
It's not bad that it's hand-drawn but a little clean-up would make it look better.

Some people may dislike macro artworks. It loses that realistic feeling.

*Negative Score
Existing negativity of the artwork can cause others to dislike it even further.

Again, no offense and I'm sorry if this DOES offend you. But judging by the other artworks you've posted, you didn't really get to a high score for all of them.

Updated by anonymous

It's definitely not your best work on here. In addition to what others have mentioned already (particularly about not liking crush/foot focus pics), it doesn't really help that other than some non-human skin coloring, it doesn't immediately look "furry" or seem relevant to the site (even if it is).

Updated by anonymous

The art has a low rating because people don't like it.

People not liking things is generally not something to be worried about, because people will not like things. The exception is if people don't like anything you do, in which case you're probably doing something wrong, or catering to the wrong crowd.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
To be honest(and no offense!), there're some things in that drawing that(in my own opinion) may cause it to have a negative score.

*Feet/Crush fetish
Many viewers aren't a fan on feet/crush fetish(including me). But is there a true/hidden meaning behind the drawing where stuff is being crushed by a giant foot?

*Non-digital drawing / Messy artwork
It's not bad that it's hand-drawn but a little clean-up would make it look better.

Some people may dislike macro artworks. It loses that realistic feeling.

*Negative Score
Existing negativity of the artwork can cause others to dislike it even further.

Again, no offense and I'm sorry if this DOES offend you. But judging by the other artworks you've posted, you didn't really get to a high score for all of them.

not offended at all, I love a critique and understand what could be a flaw in the drawing by itself. and yeah I understand all of my artworks do need some cleaning up to do XD

Updated by anonymous

The things that I notice the most haven't really been brought up yet, but I suspect they have something to do with why there's downvotes.

The toes are quite nice in shape and details, but the rest of the foot lacks as much shaping and details. There's no arch or shaping at all for the rest of the foot after the base of the big toe ends. And people who like feet, will often like those feet to be nicely shaped. And they like the details. So that's probably part of why it's getting downvotes. Also, there really isn't much of an ankle, no real shaping or definition or shading in that area either. Just one line going up from the foot to form the leg. The foot also looks a little too short, like the leg starts too soon (unless they're supposed to be stubby feet).

And then it's not very clear which parts of the micro are what. I see their hand gripping the toe, and that's a nice detail to have. But then I just see grey things sticking up between the toes. And I know it belongs to a micro, so I know I should be able to recognise which body parts of the micro I'm looking at. But I can't. Could be legs and a penis. Could be ears and a pink tongue. I honestly am not sure, so I suspect that's another reason for some downvotes, is people not sure what they're looking at. Just needs to be a little clearer on the details was all though.

However, I love the traditional media and all the rich texture in picture. I do like the toe ring, and the toes are decently shaped. I love the color change for the sole of the foot, and the way it comes partway up the sides of the foot like that. And I can also tell from looking at some of your other pictures, like the one you're using as your avatar right now (post #620212) that you've gotten better at shaping the foot and adding details to it. So, just a few things I noticed. Might help you narrow down things to work on.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
The things that I notice the most haven't really been brought up yet, but I suspect they have something to do with why there's downvotes.

The toes are quite nice in shape and details, but the rest of the foot lacks as much shaping and details. There's no arch or shaping at all for the rest of the foot after the base of the big toe ends. And people who like feet, will often like those feet to be nicely shaped. And they like the details. So that's probably part of why it's getting downvotes. Also, there really isn't much of an ankle, no real shaping or definition or shading in that area either. Just one line going up from the foot to form the leg. The foot also looks a little too short, like the leg starts too soon (unless they're supposed to be stubby feet).

And then it's not very clear which parts of the micro are what. I see their hand gripping the toe, and that's a nice detail to have. But then I just see grey things sticking up between the toes. And I know it belongs to a micro, so I know I should be able to recognise which body parts of the micro I'm looking at. But I can't. Could be legs and a penis. Could be ears and a pink tongue. I honestly am not sure, so I suspect that's another reason for some downvotes, is people not sure what they're looking at. Just needs to be a little clearer on the details was all though.

However, I love the traditional media and all the rich texture in picture. I do like the toe ring, and the toes are decently shaped. I love the color change for the sole of the foot, and the way it comes partway up the sides of the foot like that. And I can also tell from looking at some of your other pictures, like the one you're using as your avatar right now (post #620212) that you've gotten better at shaping the foot and adding details to it. So, just a few things I noticed. Might help you narrow down things to work on.

Thank you so much, I'll do the best I can to improve those, especially the micro

Updated by anonymous

It bugs me a little to see art of this sort downvoted so much. I really enjoy seeing non-digital, 'sub-par' artwork. It has a really nice charm to it. Even when exercising unusual fetishes like foot smushing, scat, diapers, etc. You get a feeling like its more connected to the artist. (or that's the best way I can describe it).

Personally I like several pieces of your artwork :3

Updated by anonymous

PapaFranku said:
It bugs me a little to see art of this sort downvoted so much. I really enjoy seeing non-digital, 'sub-par' artwork. It has a really nice charm to it. Even when exercising unusual fetishes like foot smushing, scat, diapers, etc. You get a feeling like its more connected to the artist. (or that's the best way I can describe it).

I think I know what you mean.. Though I think you are in a definite minority. I like to show my work, but I haven't noticed much interest in those kind of images. Mostly, people seem to be interested in the same kind of thing that advertising aims for: color, contrast, controversialness, and crisp excess (alliteration not intended). It is mostly artists, I think, that like to see art construction.

Updated by anonymous

PapaFranku said:
It bugs me a little to see art of this sort downvoted so much. I really enjoy seeing non-digital, 'sub-par' artwork. It has a really nice charm to it. Even when exercising unusual fetishes like foot smushing, scat, diapers, etc. You get a feeling like its more connected to the artist. (or that's the best way I can describe it).

Personally I like several pieces of your artwork :3

from another foot artwork, someone told me "a lot of people on this site are just extremely picky and will dislike over the smallest things unless done by a popular artist"

I'm glad that you like several pieces of my art :)

Updated by anonymous

Boca said:
from another foot artwork, someone told me "a lot of people on this site are just extremely picky and will dislike over the smallest things unless done by a popular artist"

I personally think it's mostly depending on what fetish is being expressed.
Toilet, diaper, snuff, etc.

I'm glad that you like several pieces of my art :)

Your welcome <3

Updated by anonymous

To me. It looks odd. The perspective is weird. I mean I have a foot fetish, but not a crush fetish, so that might be another thing.(To each their own) You did some awesome work here though.

post #575304

Even if there are some stray lines here and there, it looks good.

Your recent works, while well drawn, puts me off a lot. I think it might be the faces and the way it is composed. It hits the uncanny valley for me. Also if you are going for traditonal art try keeping your paper as clean as you can. And make you lines more refine and lighter until you are ready to make the final line. Otherwise it leaves ugly lines you can't erase. But I sure with more work/practice on prospective and anatomy you are sure to gain more fans; You just have jump that uncanny valley.

Updated by anonymous

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