Topic: I guess they’re trying to ban fursuiting in schools now

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Do we really need to be wearing that stuff in school though, I dunno, seems like it’ll be harder to see your surroundings. I know my school was a death trap if you didn’t have your peripheral vision. What do you think

Deck of this article: "Justin Humphrey, an Oklahoma legislator who once said trans people are mentally ill" -
He does not deserve respect or consideration. He's intentionally obtuse.

Students who purport to be an imaginary animal or animal species, or who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly referred to as furries at school shall not be allowed to participate in school curriculum or activities. The parent or guardian of a student in violation of this section shall pick the student up from the school, or animal control services shall be contacted to remove the student.

This is the actual text from the bill (almost the entire thing; it's very brief). This isn't just banning fursuiting. It's not clear what specifically it bans. One could interpret "imaginary animal or animal species" as "imaginary (animal or animal species)" or as "(imaginary animal) or (animal species)". "anthropomorphic behavior" is not well defined.
That link contains a lot of tracking junk including, tellingly, a URL to a Louder with Crowder article that perpetuates the myth that being a furry means identifying as a non-human animal and expresses support for the bill.
This entire situation is absurd. I fear what else may happen in the wake of the furry panic.

Man, I really feel like these days all you need to do to become a politician is just spew the dumbest unhinged shit imaginable. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these sorts of politicians don't even believe in the shit they're peddling, just using it as some sort of exposure to get the support of enraged voters who think libtards are tearing the world apart.

A grown-ass man making a serious suggestion that animal control should remove students from school (yes, that's actually in the proposed bill - it's not just clickbait from the VICE article) is somebody that is clearly too deranged to be in any form of power, or somebody just using controversy to gain enough support to let them leech taxpayer money.

The bill itself clearly needs no discussion.

faucet said:
Man, I really feel like these days all you need to do to become a politician is just spew the dumbest unhinged shit imaginable.

Well, that's clearly all you need to join the Republican Party. Seems like they've all become batshit insane over the past decade or so. As much as I disagree with Bush or Reagan, they were tame compared to now.

And people eat it up. Why? Is American education that bad? Is it perhaps social media that is echoing bad takes?

Why are we giving this guy attention? That's his entire goal here, spouting off this ridiculous shit to get attention (which gets him money and potential votes).

cloudpie said:
Why are we giving this guy attention? That's his entire goal here, spouting off this ridiculous shit to get attention (which gets him money and potential votes).

There's one real course of action when it comes to idiots...

Clearly these people have Jello in their heads, it's so fucking stupid - The kitty litter thing was disproven literally after Joe "I have no thoughts my brain is smooth" Rogan spouted it, it was literally there for shooting victims as the litter would help clean the blood and Rogan then changed his story of how he "discovered" it, these asshats deserve no power because they don't care about people or peoples expression, they care about power and shutting down anyone different

faucet said:
Man, I really feel like these days

Things weren't better in the past. Those details just don't make it in the history books.

cloudpie said:
Why are we giving this guy attention? That's his entire goal here, spouting off this ridiculous shit to get attention (which gets him money and potential votes).

Bit hard to not give him attention when he's one of the people in charge

I dunno man, if a kid wants to act like an actual animal at school it seems like it's only being supportive to call animal control to remove them.

Jokes aside... wouldn't a ban on suiters be just a logical extension of how schools in the US handle Halloween and similar where masks aren't generally allowed?

votp said:
Jokes aside... wouldn't a ban on suiters be just a logical extension of how schools in the US handle Halloween and similar where masks aren't generally allowed?

Yes. Costumes with masks like that are already disallowed in schools. This bill is ragebait.

arbg9lemqb said:
This is the actual text from the bill (almost the entire thing; it's very brief). This isn't just banning fursuiting. It's not clear what specifically it bans. One could interpret "imaginary animal or animal species" as "imaginary (animal or animal species)" or as "(imaginary animal) or (animal species)". "anthropomorphic behavior" is not well defined.
That link contains a lot of tracking junk including, tellingly, a URL to a Louder with Crowder article that perpetuates the myth that being a furry means identifying as a non-human animal and expresses support for the bill.
This entire situation is absurd. I fear what else may happen in the wake of the furry panic.

This bill is so heavily confused. While it's clearly trying to ban furries, it doesn't seem to know what furries are, other than having heard the word "anthropomorphic" once and taking a wild and wrong guess about what it means. Because a literal reading sounds like it would ban things like, walking on two legs or speaking verbal language or manipulating tools with hands.

Banning "identifying as a non-human animal" is more anti-therian than anti-furry, though I'm sure they've never heard the word "therian" before in their life. I don't even know if most furries are familiar with the term.

I mean, furries will sometimes refer to themselves by their fursona's species, but so loosely that if you ban that you're also committing to, like, expelling students for playing pretend at being dinosaurs during recess or something. RIP Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes) I guess.