Hello e621, I am The Gnoll Scribe. I am typing this and using the web on an old Chromebook that my dad got me a few years ago. I already created a bootable USB of Linux Mint, now all I need to do is actually install Linux Mint and get rid of Chrome OS because it is literally the Fisher-Price toy of operating systems. There's nothing on the web for my specific model of HP Chromebook and I was hoping one of you knows a solution to install Linux Mint on my kind of Chromebook without anything possibly going wrong.
Model #: 14-db0060nr
Feel free to use this forum as a platform to help other furries and beginners with Linux operating systems. This is not the place for distro wars as an ideal distro vastly depends on your needs as a user doing stuff ranging from casual web browsing, gaming, or working from home. Please be civil.
Updated by Earlopain