Now, this has been talked about before, but most people want to combine favorites and upvotes somehow. I don't think this should be done, because they should have their seperate uses, and having them show the score combined or making one do the other kinda gets rid of the purpose. But there are WAY more favorites then likes on posts. Why is this? Well, you could say that you can't down-favorite to cancel it out, but you can't for likes, but if you look at some of the posts, that doesn't seem like the case for most. I think it is because you can favorite OUTSIDE of the image site, and the button is a little easier to press when inside of it. Now, that's fine and all, but that makes it seem like favoriting means "I like this post," where upvoting means "I REALLY like this post," and that seems a little off. I feel like it should be the other way around. The only way to do that is make it so that you can like the post outside of the post, and make the upvote button a little bigger. But, that's not really nessicary, because it just changes the meanings of upvoting and favoriting. And some people might consider that favoriting means that you like it less than upvoting. So, I wanted to see if anyone thought that upvotes mean that you like it more than favorites, or that maybe that's NOT why favoriting happens more.
Also, this is my first time posting in the forum, so if I did something wrong, PLEASE let me know. I looked at this, and it wasn't very helpful. XD
Updated by FibS