Topic: The pornocalypse and you

Posted under General

Mastercard cannot be allowed to continue this streak of financial discrimination against adult content. My livelihood has certainly been threatened, and I haven't even started yet.
Fortunately, the ACLU has gotten involved. I believe this petition is still open to new signatures. You can also join this mailing list whose form lets you explain how the pornocalypse has hurt you.
There's a couple of lists on GitHub of services that currently reject / accept porn.

serpentrider said:
Mastercard cannot be allowed to continue this streak of financial discrimination against adult content. My livelihood has certainly been threatened, and I haven't even started yet.
Fortunately, the ACLU has gotten involved. I believe this petition is still open to new signatures. You can also join this mailing list whose form lets you explain how the pornocalypse has hurt you.
There's a couple of lists on GitHub of services that currently reject / accept porn.

Lists like that are meaningless as long as middlemen like Paypal or Cloudflare can unilaterally hold sites hostage with no legal recourse. Their only defense is obscurity- if those sites get big they'll also bend the knee, or they have from the outset by limiting themselves to cryptocurrency which makes them DOA for creators. ACLU hitching this to "sex work" and lumping artists in with hookers isn't helping either

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