Topic: A question about browsing and blacklists

Posted under General

I know that when I make use of my blacklist, it hides the images in a search that I don't want to see when looking at the gallery view. But if I click on an image, and then decide to browse (prev/next), I'll "see" those images as I browse (albeit with the image replaced with 'blacklist'). Is it possible at all to have things in my blacklist not show up at all when browsing (aside from putting a lot of tags to hide them)? I'm just curious if it is possible. Apologies if I missed an obvious place for this answer. I've used the site for several years but I'm still learning things about blacklists and tagging.

That is unfortunately not possible with the current system, since the blacklist is mostly handled on the client, while next/previous links are generated by the server. When viewing a post, the client only gets information about that post, and not all the information needed to skip to the next non-blacklisted post.

scth said:
That is unfortunately not possible with the current system, since the blacklist is mostly handled on the client, while next/previous links are generated by the server. When viewing a post, the client only gets information about that post, and not all the information needed to skip to the next non-blacklisted post.

Ah, thank you for the information! I had a feeling it wasn't a thing, but I wanted to be sure. Much appreciated. <3



Note that 3rd-party clients are not subject to this limitation. They can just silently skip them since they generate the gallery view themselves.
I've not messed with it, but I suppose you could make a userscript to skip past the pages with blacklisted tags, automatically.

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