Topic: Question: Consolidated BURs or Multiple BURs?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

(First off, sorry if this is in the wrong category. Wasn't sure if this should go under 'Tag Alias/Implication Suggestions' or here so I tried to play it safe.)

Just wanted to ask, is it preferred by staff to:
have update requests consolidated into as little BURs as possible (like I had done in topic #41615), or
split requests into multiple BURs, like subcategories, but still in the same topic with an overarching 'theme' (like I had done in topic #44114)?

I could see the former being preferred for the sake of keeping topics less cluttered, but also the latter for the sake of being able to approve/reject/edit a BUR separate from another

Just split into multiple BURs, but each entry in their individual BURs should have the same topic.

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