Topic: Any artists here that actually upload their own stuff?

Posted under Art Talk

Kämpfer said:
Depends on the artist. Usually encouraged or unnoticed. People only complain if you upload incomplete or terrible art a lot.
Syynx is one artist who uploads here. There are plenty of others but I can't think of them now.

I try not to upload shit here, I just put it up as an image dump. At least this Syynx guy is actually good, though.

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
I know Gravewalker does, who goes under the name MareFurryFan here.

He's not an artist actually.

As for the question: Syynx, Siyah, Ratte and Dogson are just some examples of artists uploading their own art onto here.

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AnOddScot said:
Wondering how many artists upload their own art to the board besides me. Is that frowned upon?

Why would it be frowned upon? ._.

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Peekaboo said:
He's not an artist actually.

Ah damn, forgot those were commissions. You're right.

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AnOddScot said:
I try not to upload shit here, I just put it up as an image dump.


Updated by anonymous

There's actually a lot that do, I know I've run into dozens. Some of them are smaller artists so many don't know them by name off the top of their head. But it's common enough. And as far as I know, artists are welcome to upload their own work if they want to. So if you have art of your own that you want to upload and think would fit here, then go for it. It's not frowned on at all. The only thing that's frowned on is spamming too much of one artist at once. So if you have hundreds of pictures, just spread it out a little for best reception. /two cents

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I post my own art here but I'm just a hobby artist (until I get a lot better). I don't post art anywhere else on the net so I don't have an artist page, just a tag.

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Fluff-kevlar, James Hardiman, Scappo, Doktor Savage, Nnecgrau, Rukaisho

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Former Staff

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Narse would, but you guys keep beating him to the punch.

Sounds like he needs to upload it to e621 first. :P

Updated by anonymous

I just joined yesterday ish.. setr up an artist profile and sent a message to an admin hoping I could get it linked to my profile.... and then had seven of the drawings i tried to upload denied because of quality.. Its upsetting when you spend 2 to 3 hours getting something just right from your head to the paper or screen just to have people tell you you aren't good enough...

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Dreamwidow said:
I just joined yesterday ish.. setr up an artist profile and sent a message to an admin hoping I could get it linked to my profile.... and then had seven of the drawings i tried to upload denied because of quality.. Its upsetting when you spend 2 to 3 hours getting something just right from your head to the paper or screen just to have people tell you you aren't good enough...

I gave you some advice in the other thread you mentioned this in.

Updated by anonymous

i upload my own art here (but usually i leave my human-only art and sloppy doodles to tumblr and fa). i do not understand why uploading own art would be frowned upon?????

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I'll admit it right here right now, my art sucks. That's why I search the internet for things I could post.

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TheClassyDoge said:
I'll admit it right here right now, my art sucks. That's why I search the internet for things I could post.

Same here, but I upload from lesser known artists, ones that have few posts or some that I consider funny.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
i do not understand why uploading own art would be frowned upon?

I thought it was at first after seeing comments on downvoted posts along the lines of "This is why people shouldn't post their own shit".

I can't link to them though, I can't remember what posts they're on.

Updated by anonymous

I do, though I don't draw very often and any work ive done takes along time since I mostly paint and not "draw".

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DragonFox69 said:
I thought it was at first after seeing comments on downvoted posts along the lines of "This is why people shouldn't post their own shit".

Nah, that's cri-ticks being troll critics. Like other parasites of that nature, cri-ticks feed on the blood, misery, and tears of creative folk without contributing anything constructive in return.

A general frowning upon of uploading one's own art is another thing entirely, and isn't the case on e621.

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calne-kuro said:
One of my favorites petresko uploads here

I'm glad you like my stuff!
I know I'm 9 months late :D

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How did I miss this topic 9 months ago? I guess I wasn't paying attention much :P

Most things I've uploaded are mine, in fact I just posted a cool lil scene with my shark girl. Fun stuff :D

I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want artists to upload their own things

Updated by anonymous

Always nice to see artists post here themselves. Some artists are unpleasantly-shocked to discover their works are being reposted here, so it's nice to have some sort of confirmation that they're OK with it.

Some Japanese artists post here themselves. It is particularly nice because they often upload versions that elsewhere would often be censored (common practice on Pixiv), lower in resolution (1280px FA limit), or of lesser quality (JPGs on Twitter).

There most certainly are others, but KickTyan, DAGASI, and Vcrow Shuu immediately come to my mind. Though DAGASI seems to have moved on to FurAffinity for posting uncensored versions, and Vcrow Shuu stopped censoring Pixiv works as of a year ago. So those two haven't been actively posting for some time now.

Updated by anonymous

When I start drawing digitally, I'll upload my work here, on Deviantart, and Furaffinity.

Right now, I'm basically filling up a sketchbook with practice sketches of inanimate objects, all of them video game based. Those I can upload (not here though) when I get myself access to a scanner.

I'm actually making quite a list of what I want to draw. And if it's anything like my fanfiction hobby, then I'll take art seriously.

Updated by anonymous

I've been hesitant for a long time about uploading my art to e621. It almost felt like that would be 'cheating' in a way. By that I mean, if my art was good enough it would be noticed elsewhere and then someone else would upload it here.

That seems like a restrictive attitude to take, though. So here I am!

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I would but no longer. Too many shitty attitudes about.

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I used post my artwork here but for now I'm keeping 'em in FA until I get a proper digital artwork done.

Updated by anonymous

your shitty attitudes have set porn back by weeks! Weeks!

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I still tend to post things here once I've finished them up. o'o Though I think I remember someone making mention of a work in progress tag of some sort, so I may need to re-evaluate.

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Oh, I thought it had to do with the sort of uploaders who would use those tags

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aurel said:
unfinished or work_in_progress
Think twice, its an arsehole magnet tag.

Maybe some artist will upload some half-finished work to troll these overly-sensitive E621 users.

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Ozelot said:
Maybe some artist will upload some half-finished work to troll these overly-sensitive E621 users.

I disagree.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Maybe some artist will upload some half-finished work to troll these overly-sensitive E621 users.

The secret is to mention Patreon.

Updated by anonymous

Up until recently, I was unaware there was any sort of hostility towards Patreon users. Artists wanting payment for their passion - what a scandal

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Knotty_Curls said:
Up until recently, I was unaware there was any sort of hostility towards Patreon users. Artists wanting payment for their passion - what a scandal

Some of the worst things on the internet happen over free things. Putting things that some people get for free behind a pay wall, and it's basically war.

Not that I'm condoning it. If an artist wants to put their work behind a pay wall, we should, and do, support their decision.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Some of the worst things on the internet happen over free things. Putting things that some people get for free behind a pay wall, and it's basically war.

Not that I'm condoning it. If an artist wants to put their work behind a pay wall, we should, and do, support their decision.

Pretty sure 95% of the users here are violently against that statement and expect their porn for free. Many of them probably are willing to harass any artist who pulls that stunt, pirate their work, etc.

I mean it's just porn after all. It has no value.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Pretty sure 95% of the users here are violently against that statement and expect their porn for free. Many of them probably are willing to harass any artist who pulls that stunt, pirate their work, etc.

I mean it's just porn after all. It has no value.

I know you're being facetious, and I agree with you. I just want to point out to people who actually DO believe this that porn is one of the world's largest, most lucrative, and most influential industries.
You can find porn for free, yes, but a lot of it is also only for purchase. And the free stuff is also usually heavily supported by ads. None of these things apply to most furry artists, who publish their work online for free, and get no ad revenue.

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
Aurel is never overly obnoxious, notmenotyou, nor he is overly pleasing, he is exactly as obnoxious as he means to.

Well, Aurel should mean to be less obnoxious if he wishes to retain his ability to post.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Pretty sure 95% of the users here are violently against that statement and expect their porn for free. Many of them probably are willing to harass any artist who pulls that stunt, pirate their work, etc.

I mean it's just porn after all. It has no value.

95% of users here are unemployed??

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:

Still, it would be nicer to go with donation system. Just imagine if a game which needs payment to entry (ex: eve online) would not have trial. You would get in, and then think "it sucks". Its better when you can support stuff after you know you like it

I often hear mention of donation-based systems nowadays. They seem to just be a politically-conveniently way of consumers to say they just want the option to not have to pay for what they are getting. The problem is they all suffer from the same set of problems, which is basically that no one donates. It has to do with the concept of public versus private goods. It isn't until you start telling people that in order to have access to something they MUST pay for it first do you start to see people actually show you what they think of your goods/services value is. People are just not very inherently charitable creatures, it's sort of 1 in 1000 that are.

Patreon attempts to work as the middle man of this scenario, but is it really a pure donation system? Patreon usually operates with a lot of reward-systems and private perks for donators and the like, and so the donators are still -directly- getting something for their money individually. They access something that others do not through their cash: This is the basis of the entire private market industry. Without the ability to exclude people access from your work, whatever it is, you have no leverage to get them to pay for it.

The thing I don't like about Patreon though is that people have the ability to donate and withdraw their payment before the month's end, but can still get all the donator perks before then. Essentially getting the art for free and then ripping the artist off.

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