Topic: If furries were real, what job would match the species?

Posted under General

If furries were real, like if we had horse men and cat women walking around in society like you or I do, what jobs do you think they would have? for example I think a cow would work at Starbucks or something, am I making any sense?

Strega once posted an image of a six-armed critter using a welding torch. This led me to speculate that in a furry universe of critters with (potentially) more than two usable limbs, machinery designers would have to be careful when designing things for maintenance, and writing repair instructions. If you need three hands to reassemble some part, but some of the repair people only have two hands, you'll have problems.

raccoon = garbage man
shark = fisherman
German Shepard = cop
dragon = flight attendent
...somewhere there might be a joke that politician = parrot(?) Maybe the parrots are actually articulate and become the authors?


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