Topic: HippoBURtami

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The concept isn't bad, but using hippo propbably won't work. The tag we use is the full common_hippopotamus, so we can't unalias hippo from it.

Tag tree:

What I presume you're meaning to suggest is to rename hippopotamid as hippopotamus. The problem here is that common_hippopotamus is also what is generally meant when users tag hippopotamus. By rerouting hippopotamus to the place of hippopotamid, we'd end up undertagging common_hippopotamus. We can't really merge hippopotamid and common_hippopotamus because there's those pesky pygmy hippopotami left over.

clawstripe said:
The concept isn't bad, but using hippo propbably won't work. The tag we use is the full common_hippopotamus, so we can't unalias hippo from it.

Tag tree:

What I presume you're meaning to suggest is to rename hippopotamid as hippopotamus. The problem here is that common_hippopotamus is also what is generally meant when users tag hippopotamus. By rerouting hippopotamus to the place of hippopotamid, we'd end up undertagging common_hippopotamus. We can't really merge hippopotamid and common_hippopotamus because there's those pesky pygmy hippopotami left over.

I keep bouncing between "yeah fair" and something else. Hippopotamid -common_hippopotamus is pretty much only common hippo posts (which begs the question of WHO is using hippopotamid instead of hippo and why) and meanwhile there are 23 pygmy_hippopotamus posts. It's not the most taxonomically correct, but merging hippopotamid and common_hippo to just hippo/hippopotamus while allowing pygmy_hippopotamus to be implicated to it might be fine.

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