Topic: Got any favorite elements of music that you listen to?

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Before I start, I'm going to mention a few things. I am not talking about video game music. That can be a topic for another time. And I am most definitely NOT discussing music genres. That's a discussion where everyone loses for entertaining a topic that's mostly subjective next to "Sub or Dub" and how people want their meat cooked.

With that out of the way, lets get to the topic. When I say favorite elements of music, I don't necessarily mean music that you'd only listen to if it has it, but if it does, you would give it a listen every now and then.

For me I like samples, have a bias towards female vocals and some instruments, music that has ambience, choirs, and I may listen to the instrumental of the song if the vocals are mediocre but the music is good.

Samples are part of the reason I have my playlist as big as I do. I come across new music I never would have heard due to never hearing it played on the radio or not knowing it existed. Unfortunately for some of the samples, I have to go out of my way to find out where it's from and that's why I'm thankful for the internet having people willing to help with that.

Ever since I was young I always liked hearing a woman as the vocals for music. You could put two songs in front of me with the only difference being a guy/girl singing it and unless the female vocals are atrocious or the male vocals go above and beyond in comparison, I'll usually go with the female vocals.

Now when I say I like music that has ambience, I might be "cheating" by saying it's not just samples of birds or crickets or something like that. The ambience I'm talking about is also a note being held or notes being played with an echo/reverb in the background of a song.

Choirs in music remind me of the times I went to church on sundays way back when. I was bored with some of the church stuff, but I always was a fan of how synchronized the people would be when it comes to singing. That's also why I like when some samples of church music are used.

For me, My favorite element in music would be Combinations of genres,
with rifts that have really soothing lows before jumping right into the upbeat!
not talking about a "Drop" but just breaks in the beat it's self to show it
has an understanding of the beats it's incorporating into the full song, Dood!

Huge fan of Guilty Gear Strives Sound Tracks for this reason~!
It's understanding of the concept above is pretty amazing in it's
character themes, Dood!

Whether it's:

A Country Style Guitar Rift into An Electric Guitar~!

Orchestra Into Rock Band~!

Bass into Vocal Harmony~!

Solo Piano into Guitar Rift~!

Metal into Pop Than back Into Metal Again~!

Rock and Saxophone~!

And much much~ More~★

While it doesn't need to be a part of every song I enjoy,
Having it, Does make it more likely I'll be doodling to it, Dood~!

When Power Metal has exceptionally fast percussion, it's feels so empowering, probably what cocaine is like or something (not that I would know. I don't even drink...)

Thaurorod - Power

I also really like when clear vocals and screamo vocals (hope I'm using that term right) are overlaid on top of each other

Atlas Pain - The Great Run (notice the chorus starting at 0:50)

In general, I appreciate when heavy metal gets creative with what instruments they use, which can often be found in Folk Metal.

Ignis Fatuu - Neue Ufer (Bagpipes in Metal? Sure, why not?)


If you want sampling and many different types of electronic and mostly instrumental music, check out Amon Tobin's music. He is very innovative in use of sampling, etc. Check out the Permutation album. Also Brian Eno, David Sylvian, and just about anything from the Xen Cuts Ninja Tune label.

crocogator said:
When Power Metal has exceptionally fast percussion, it's feels so empowering, probably what cocaine is like or something (not that I would know. I don't even drink...)

Thaurorod - Power

I also really like when clear vocals and screamo vocals (hope I'm using that term right) are overlaid on top of each other

Atlas Pain - The Great Run (notice the chorus starting at 0:50)

In general, I appreciate when heavy metal gets creative with what instruments they use, which can often be found in Folk Metal.

Ignis Fatuu - Neue Ufer (Bagpipes in Metal? Sure, why not?)

Scratch the bagpipes, Even though having them in a song that high-pace would be pretty impressive~!

I know exactly what you mean with a song having a GREAT Punch-Chorus!
Crawl is one of my favorites for this since, it feels like you're giving all you got and you're actually overpowering the Big-Bad with sheer tenacity, Dood!



I like it when a song manages to break (or at least heavily obscure) the typical three-act structure. To create something that keeps you moving in different directions and not get tired of what they're doing. It helps when the band also shows a high degree of technical mastery with guitars and some of the best metal vocals. (the original music video was 5 minutes, stripped down from song's 7 minute runtime, hence why it cuts to a static image for parts of it)
DragonForce, back when they were good.* When it was rare to see a song last less than 6 minutes, sometimes getting up to 9, with the length well worth it.

* Okay, maybe that's a bit unfair, but they did have a quite noticeable drop in quality after their original singer left (and to be fair, the last album he did with them had some of their weakest songs up to that point, but also some of their greatest). I do still check them from time to time, and they're still okay I guess, but not like they were.

kora_viridian said:
This song has a number of different elements.

Didn't expect a dad joke from this I'll be honest. I was genuinely listening for a bit before I got the wordplay you were doing with your comment.

grab-n-stash said:
I was genuinely listening for a bit before I got the wordplay you were doing with your comment.

That remix is a little long for some people. This is a much older and much shorter version. >_>

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