The tag implication #64214 final_fantasy_xiv:_dawntrail -> final_fantasy_xiv has been approved.
Reason: Final Fantasy XIV has a new expansion once again, titled Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail and in keeping with the other expansions having their own tags which imply to final_fantasy_xiv:
- final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
- final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
- final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood
- final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
- final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker
This one should also imply to it.
EDIT: The tag implication final_fantasy_xiv:_dawntrail -> final_fantasy_xiv (forum #410353) has been approved by @spe.
Updated by auto moderator