Topic: Do you think that a number of these ID verification laws might be somewhat on the side of forcing certain education on students?

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I know this might sound strange but I think there is some sense to it being like forcing sex education in schools only and not letting younger people explore other topics of sex.
I know that might sound bad taken out of context but my state almost passing this law and having some pretty strict standards on how sex-education can be taught my middle school health teacher couldn't even teach about condoms and the high school teacher was more like if you don't do abstinence then use a condom and left it at that. My high school health teacher was a lot more conservative to somewhat of a point of making his religious views as a Christian pretty clear. When it came to things like same-sex relations that was basically treated as a non-existing thing when I was in school.
A lot of the time the age verification bill is being pushed from right-wing states and yeah I have looked into my states rules in terms of sex-ed and basically a school can decide how to teach it but they have to promote abstinence while in a monogamous situation. So in high school I experienced it from the point of abstinence-only education.
In fact I would say websites like e621 having used this website since I was 14 I've actually learned more about sex because of porn rather than in school which was more like you better live life in this way and this way is better while also refusing to teach about contraceptives and trying to promote early marriage just so you can have sex.
It does seem like yeah their trying to push it more on the state to teach kids about sex rather than letting minors have the freedom to figure things out for themselves through porn. Yes I'm not encouraging minors to view porn but what I am saying is to me this just seems like a way that the government is trying to push public schools to teach kids about sex. And I don't know how I feel about homeschooling I think public school in general is a waste of life and think there should be some changes to allow more freedom but I'm out of school anyway and a lot of what I learned I can say I didn't need it. By the way today I am 24 so don't take that whole me saying I've been on this site since I was 14 out of context. You can literally look at my account and see I've had this account since like 2014 or 2015 I can't remember off the top of my head. I've had this account for at least 10 years for sure.

Updated by Donovan DMC

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