Topic: Cuddle Furries self-torture

Posted under Art Talk

Anyone else here torture themselves by enjoying the posts with lots of love and snuggling while at the same time you yourself are lonely?
Not that I enjoy self torture. I just fantasize on the happy peaceful artwork.

Updated by Moon Moon

I sometimes troll myself by putting things where only I can find them.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

parasprite said:
I sometimes troll myself by putting things where only I can find them.

I tend to do that too.
And then I usually forget where I put them, and accidentally find them years later when I no longer need them.

Anyway, uh, what was this thread about, again?

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Anyway, uh, what was this thread about, again?

"Does anyone else like to look at posts with couples/lovers but feel lonely at the same time?"

Updated by anonymous

Dude... the way you wrote that make it sound bad...

...but yeah, I sometimes do that too... except the "imagining things" part... oh, and the "enjoying it" too...

I'd say it's more of envying what's going on...

Updated by anonymous

From the you know you are a furry when file ...

I loved snuggling with my dogs, yet with humans?
No thank you.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Dude... the way you wrote that make it sound bad...

This. I thought this thread was gonna be way darker.

Anyway, escapism is not self-torture. I was pretty lonely too for a long time so I can relate.

Updated by anonymous

I was lonely until satan saved me with his love

Updated by anonymous

Jirokoshi said:
my hands keep me company

that's the spirit!

Updated by anonymous

Rampancy, sweetheart, listen here. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. You are a strong, independent black woman. Who don't need no man.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
Rampancy, sweetheart, listen here. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. You are a strong, independent black woman. Who don't need no man.

Everything you just said is false :(

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
Rampancy, sweetheart, listen here. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. You are a strong, independent black woman. Who don't need no man.

Mmmhmmmm that's right girrrrl. Do yo thang honey

Updated by anonymous

Rampancy said:
Everything you just said is false :(

Rampancy confirmed for being a weak and dependent not-woman that needs a man. :V

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
that needs a man. :V

as of today... not anymore... c:

Updated by anonymous

parasprite there are ways to express your feelings that don't involve pony gifs

Updated by anonymous

Remember kiddos, cutting yourself always helps with the sadness.

Updated by anonymous

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