Topic: Fey deals gone sexual OR: what if the wish-twisting resulted in the wishgiver getting fucked?

Posted under General

So, I'm sure you know how it goes normally with the fey types. The fey character, female for this example, promises a male character riches or fame or power or whatever, the male character carelessly promises his firstborn, only to forget later, resulting in the fey lady showing up to steal the child later. OK, I'm not sure how to go from here so I'm just gonna say it: I like the idea of a wishgiver twisting a victim's wish, only for the victim to turn the twist against the twister. And I wanna see it done sexually. So, in the case of "you'll give me your firstborn", it's never stated who was giving birth to that firstborn. Why not have the deal sealed with the wishgiving fey being banged by the "foolish mortal" she was looking to steal the child of? Look, I want a sexual continuation to this. I mean, I want other rigged deals resulting in the victim deciding "alright, we're gonna fuck, then", but I primarily wanna see that.

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