Hey, I've always want to make that question to someone.
Has any adult artist changed your life in any way?
I mean...like whygena made when he make a lot of people discover they sexualty with the Reggie video.
Posted under Off Topic
Hey, I've always want to make that question to someone.
Has any adult artist changed your life in any way?
I mean...like whygena made when he make a lot of people discover they sexualty with the Reggie video.
Not any artist in specific, but porn helped me first to figure out my gender issues, and then it helped me to become more comfortable with my body.
I'd been following Telem for over a decade on FA because I liked his content, but he's become one of my best friends in the last couple of years. He's a good person.
Uhh, a whole lot...
Also, my relationship with drawn porn vs. real porn is complicated. Real porn containing sex tends to make me uncomfortable in a way (nudes and kinks are fine though). I prefer furry porn, where there's a psychological degree of separation.
crocogator said:
I prefer furry porn, where there's a psychological degree of separation.
My first time hearing someone else who feels the same way. That's exactly why I like yiff, as well. Though I do watch regular hardcore porn too, probably about once every week or two.
It ironically made me learn more about the human anatomy and how it works more than school has ever taught me, college included.
Well, tagging on e621 has helped improve my memory that I have trouble with ever since the accident of 2017.
I suppose dwelling in it made me more open-minded in general. And it's interesting to see or try to analise the artistry behind the horny.
I ended up as staff here because of my tagging obsession, and met some lovely people through that. That's about it though
Funnily enough I used to be insanely skittish and skeeved out at particular types of porn, used to think it was disgusting and that it had no place being drawn/enjoyed. Gradually though I started to wind down and came to realize that its all just make believe the more that I saw and experienced. Bled into dabbling with some of it with friends in RP and found I actually enjoyed it more when I just stopped being such a hardass on what people should like. It helped me learn to open up and chill the fuck out, aint nothing wrong with shit that dont hurt people between consenting adults.
I noticed that I don’t like real porn and prefer more «fairy tale» feeling that gives furry draw version. Also noticed that I like manly feeling more.
Although I'm more into nudes, erotic art has quite made me creative in certain ways. Right now, I'm having an experimental time in dabbling in multiple art mediums and with mixing colors.
I can't really ever look at pokemon the same again, not that its a bad thing I like being constantly horny.
I developed a resistance to the thots of the world so I can think more reasonably when dealing with how much money to spend on tips.
ottoman said:
I can't really ever look at pokemon the same again, not that its a bad thing I like being constantly horny.
zenace said:
I, personally, blame dagasi. Though other people I assume would have other artists they like, dagasi just does such game accurate pokemon that I can't see them any other way.
met my husband when he commissioned my for some nsfw art over furaffinity :3
ottoman said:
I can't really ever look at pokemon the same again
pretty much never played a pokemon game, and while i don't have a thing for the porn, over the last 10+ years i've happened across a lot of good stuff with all the lucarios and whatnot. which is to say that in my eyes they went from "the creatures from that japanese game kids like" to more-or-less hardcore pornstars that don't ever wear clothes…
How it changed my life? I became furry, that's all :D
I know this one is a bit stale but I do wanna say that furry porn has allowed me to explore aspects of my sexuality and general preferences. It's also inspired me to not have shame in what I like, and inspired me to draw what I do today.
It gets me paid.
I think certain artists (especially argon vile, sometimes artdecade, probably some that don't start with "ar" but idk) helped me get over some anxiety about sex by depicting it in goofier and, like, low-stakes ways, if that makes sense. That's not really the right word but I'm not sure how to articulate it, it's not just everyone being horny at all times.
A suspicious amount of animal anatomy that i can never bring up in a normal conversation
It affected me in a negative way, I guess. I would always turn to this stuff due to my intense social anxiety. It has unfortunately kept me a virgin to this date in my mid 30s, and I don't like that outcome.
fliper said:
Has any adult artist changed your life in any way?
Yes, actually, in a very big way.
Years ago, my username was Erion. I got the chance to have my character (A Leafeon/Ninetales hybrid) drawn by Jeronmuh after winning a raffle. For the hell of it, I asked them if they could draw him as a female in a provocative pose. He was happy to oblige with my odd request.
Once I got the art back, and I looked at it, I realized I was trans.
It's not on the site, but it's the same pose as post #2386146 and I absolutely fell in love with the look, and started a path on figuring out who and what I want to be.
The most significant thing it's done is grow my interest in making games. But tbh I was sort of on that path already.
Aside from that, it's helped me figure out that I generally prefer drawn stuff over real (obviously) and my specific interests.
It may sound silly, but I've never been attracted to anything but drawn porn. I also love to draw it, and all the unique intricacies that come with furry specific porn opportunities! All these different penises I never even considered before now!
Also a lot of kinks/fetishes I would never do irl, but get to enjoy in drawn form! Many opportunities indeed.
timewolf said:
A suspicious amount of animal anatomy that i can never bring up in a normal conversation
wow uhh... yikes man