Hi! I was curious about the procedure for uploading a superior version of an existing post where the sole difference is file size—not quality, not even file format, just the number of bytes.
For some background, I recently searched order:filesize and noticed how massive some of the images are (over 100 MiB each for the first few posts). post #4572247 is a perfect example: a PNG over 96 MiB in size. I downloaded the image and ran it through a program called ImageOptim and got a pixel-for-pixel-identical PNG file under 30 MiB in size, and that’s without stripping any metadata or other information. This size reduction would improve load times for users, especially those with poor connections, and presumably, save a few cents on server storage. The program I use can losslessly recompress PNGs, JPGs, GIFs, and SVGs (should they ever be accepted here). In my experience, JPG photographs will usually compress about 9% smaller—artwork might compress more—and PNGs anywhere from <1% to 80%, depending on the complexity and detail of the image. To get the smallest possible PNGs, I run them through the program a second time. That second pass almost always shaves off several (hundred) more kilobytes.
Given that, is there a (relatively easy) way to upload these optimized files? Or is that even acceptable to do, per e621’s current policies? To avoid overwhelming mods/janitors/staff, I would only upload if the space reduction is significant, as with the example above. I would almost certainly upload no more than once per day, if that. (It can easily take 15 minutes just to run the program on a file anyway.)
Thank you!