Topic: Is It Going To Be A Problem If...

Posted under General

...I Upload some Concept Arts that have to do with my Indie Gaming Project?

The 48 Playable Character Concept Arts, specifically, but I've also had a piece of Cover/Poster Art done up for it too...

I'd like to believe there should be no issues with Uploading the Character Concepts as they are Finished, Paid for and Sent to me, but I'd also like to be sure.

With regard to the Cover/Poster Art, it is purely Promotional in nature, so I am assuming that is considered "Advertising", and is therefore a serious no-no...?

Any helpful thoughts?

Thank You!
~ X


As long as it's related to this site, then it's all good

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, as long as it is related to the furry fandom go right ahead.

For the cover and poster art I would say it depends on how much is art and how much is advertising, meaning if the whole advertising is the name of the game and maybe a releasedate/url or something like that then I'd have no problem with approving it.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Yeah, as long as it is related to the furry fandom go right ahead.

For the cover and poster art I would say it depends on how much is art and how much is advertising, meaning if the whole advertising is the name of the game and maybe a releasedate/url or something like that then I'd have no problem with approving it.

Wow. Okay, Thank You. Srsly cool!

As soon as my "cooling period" is over, I'll Upload the Poster Art!

Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:
What kind of game are you making/helping to develop? Like, what's the genre?

Since you asked... Fantasy, Tactical Combat Racing RPG!

Updated by anonymous

Xioneer said:
Since you asked... Fantasy, Tactical Combat Racing RPG!

Are there lots of juicy QTEs? Because everyone loooooves QTEs...

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Are there lots of juicy QTEs? Because everyone loooooves QTEs...

I had to look that Term up. Off the top of my head, about the only game I've played that had anything like QTEs was Zelda: Spirit Tracks for NDS, wherein you had to use the Voice Input to blow flute notes in sequence, and I think the final Ghost Train Boss required Button-pressing at Prompts as well. And I'll always remember STAR WARS at my local Arcade, where the Lightsaber Duels features Prompts and Actions...

Honestly, whether or not my Game has/will have QTEs isn't something I have given - or intend to give - any thought to. I'm Building the Gameplay Mechanics so the Tactical side of things function logically and smoothly. How I get there in the end remains to be seen...

Honestly, I doubt there will be m/any QTEs. They just don't fit into the nature of the Gameplay for the niche Genre my Game falls into. For instance, while Players can opt to Manually Control many aspects of their Maneuvering and Defensive/Offensive Tactics, they can also choose to invest in Programmable auto-Response systems/softwares.

Updated by anonymous

Xioneer said:
I'm guessing a sink is a bad sign...?

It's a kitchen sink, as in "You're throwing in everything but the kitchen sink".

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
It's a kitchen sink, as in "You're throwing in everything but the kitchen sink".

OH! LOL. Thanks for explaining! I always assume the worst, so I was thinking in terms of it having a Drain and a Garbage Disposal. But I guess he would have Linked to a Toilet if he felt negative about it...

Anyway, that is the point. Crossing Genres is getting harder and harder as new Franchises pin down different combinations by being "first in". If you want to give your Game a boost to start with, find a combination of Genres that is either rare or hasn't even been done before, and go from there.

Updated by anonymous

Xioneer said:
OH! LOL. Thanks for explaining! I always assume the worst, so I was thinking in terms of it having a Drain and a Garbage Disposal. But I guess he would have Linked to a Toilet if he felt negative about it...

Anyway, that is the point. Crossing Genres is getting harder and harder as new Franchises pin down different combinations by being "first in". If you want to give your Game a boost to start with, find a combination of Genres that is either rare or hasn't even been done before, and go from there.

...I would be super careful if I were you. By trying to appeal to the widest range of people possible, you might end up not appealing to people at all. But if you think you can cross genres good, go for it.

And yes. It is indeed a kitchen sink.

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
...I would be super careful if I were you. By trying to appeal to the widest range of people possible, you might end up not appealing to people at all. But if you think you can cross genres good, go for it.

I know. "Furries" turn most people off, but WoW and other Games that feature Anthropomorphic Characters have popularized them in general. So the Styling of the Characters and the Content Rating for the Storylines I write will be the biggest factor there, I do believe...

And Tactical Combat Racing isn't anything new. RPG in tandem isn't even new, just under - or badly - done. Now "Fantasy", that IS very fresh in this particular niche Genre...

Updated by anonymous

Xioneer said:
I know. "Furries" turn most people off, but WoW and other Games that feature Anthropomorphic Characters have popularized them in general. So the Styling of the Characters and the Content Rating for the Storylines I write will be the biggest factor there, I do believe...

And Tactical Combat Racing isn't anything new. RPG in tandem isn't even new, just under - or badly - done. Now "Fantasy", that IS very fresh in this particular niche Genre...

Thats not even what he said. It has nothing to do with furries or an art style, it has to do with you mixing gens of games of racing and rpgs which they are so different it will hardly work at all and more be a turn off to people who enjoy both gens of gaming.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
Thats not even what he said. It has nothing to do with furries or an art style, it has to do with you mixing gens of games of racing and rpgs which they are so different it will hardly work at all and more be a turn off to people who enjoy both gens of gaming.

Need for Speed: Underground and a mixture of points you spend on either stat (traction/control, max speed, acceleration, maybe weapons) instead of car and linear tuning. Some sort of creatures to ride, all with different advantages and disadvantages based on the track/ground/area/weather/day time...

This could be interesting if done correctly, it could be another game I won't touch with a ten feet pole, only time will tell.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
Thats not even what he said. It has nothing to do with furries or an art style, it has to do with you mixing gens of games of racing and rpgs which they are so different it will hardly work at all and more be a turn off to people who enjoy both gens of gaming.

I'm certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to a lot of things. I'm not even much of a Gamer. But to me, the RPG Genre is a 1st Person view with either Storylines or "Mission"-style Gameplay. And while Quantum Redshift did a lousy job of combining the two Genres, I believe it was F-Zero GX which pulled it off with some success. Otherwise, yes, the Racing and RPG Genres haven't been crossed much before. That doesn't mean it is hard to do...

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Need for Speed: Underground and a mixture of points you spend on either stat (traction/control, max speed, acceleration, maybe weapons) instead of car and linear tuning. Some sort of creatures to ride, all with different advantages and disadvantages based on the track/ground/area/weather/day time...

I'm guessing NfS: Underground did Storylines?

"Points" won't be spent on Vehicle Stats. Vehicle Stats are altered by spending Budgeted - and Won - Funds on Upgrades that affect Power and Pressure Capacities, Durability, Aerodynamics, Various Efficiencies, Auto-Control/Response systems, and Weapon Fittings and Ammo Loadouts, among other things.

And the "Runners"(pilots) won't have dis/Advantages according to any of those things. My Game isn't "Arcade"-style... Playable Characters have mostly Hidden Stats, such as Inertial Endurance, Cool Under Fire, Reflexes, Predispositions to certain Skills. Other Stats that are more visible would be Weight and Starting Funds. Personality may be worked in somewhere there too...

Updated by anonymous

Xioneer said:
I'm guessing NfS: Underground did Storylines?

"Points" won't be spent on Vehicle Stats. Vehicle Stats are altered by spending Budgeted - and Won - Funds on Upgrades that affect Power and Pressure Capacities, Durability, Aerodynamics, Various Efficiencies, Auto-Control/Response systems, and Weapon Fittings and Ammo Loadouts, among other things.

And the "Runners"(pilots) won't have dis/Advantages according to any of those things. My Game isn't "Arcade"-style... Playable Characters have mostly Hidden Stats, such as Inertial Endurance, Cool Under Fire, Reflexes, Predispositions to certain Skills. Other Stats that are more visible would be Weight and Starting Funds. Personality may be worked in somewhere there too...

"Storyline", in the original underground the storyline was basically "Win everything", the did make a better story later in carbon where you came back to your city and had to race your way back to the top.

Your points system is basically the same like NFS:Underground 2, you win money, you spend that money on upgrades, different Upgrades give different stats a boost and you had more than one option for the same part (for example, upgrading the motorblock could be done by 3 different producers, the first one would give you max acceleration but not really much on top speed, the second would give you max top speed but slower acceleration, the third gave both, but balanced).

And the last one would be really cool if properly balanced, depending of your setting you could do some really neat things based on race and current location of the race, think of the standard wood elves and dwarfs, if you pit both of them to a race in the woods, the elf will have an advantage because he basically grew up in the woods and may be able to use part of the woods to a slight advantage (highlighting a shortcut for example) while the dwarf may not have that, on the contrary, pitch them against each other in the depths of a mountain and the roles will be reversed.
But if you do anything like that it shouldn't be game breaking, both may use the same shortcuts, but one may recognize the shortcut a bit better than the other, the dwarf will know that shortcut once he saw the elf use it, too.

Updated by anonymous

Xioneer said:
Since you asked... Fantasy, Tactical Combat Racing RPG!

As a pretty hardcore gamer, my recommendations;

1) Make a good Racing game, dump the RPG element.

2) Make a good RPG, dump the racing.

Do not over-extend yourself, especially if you have never completed a game before. You will burn yourself out quickly.

Updated by anonymous

Dester said:
As a pretty hardcore gamer, my recommendations;

1) Make a good Racing game, dump the RPG element.

2) Make a good RPG, dump the racing.

Do not over-extend yourself, especially if you have never completed a game before. You will burn yourself out quickly.

I'm aware of all that. However, as long as the Stoylines are Optional, then no reason not to include them. Most "Furries" enjoy a good Storyline to go with their Characters, anyway...

Also, the special MMO Version won't include the Storylines, by default...

Traditional RPGs bore me. I've always kinda hated the 1st Person POV, too. And since so many 1st Person RPGs are either Horror, Shooter or Sword and Sorcery, that is an additional turn-off for me. I'm not really into any of those Popular Genres...

Don't worry. Conception and Design is my specialty. I've been Conceiving and Building Fan and Personal Projects for the last 10 years. I wouldn't be getting into this Dev if I wasn't darned sure of myself. In fact, I've been sitting on this particular Game Concept for over 4 years now. I'm moving forward on it after all this time, because I finally feel ready. And that has no small weight, when I suffer from chronic low self-esteem...

Updated by anonymous

As an indie developer myself, I think your genre selection is odd, but if you pull it off it could turn out a good game. Something to think about is most people are attracted to indie games for the innovativeness and unique concepts that would be a huge risk from a mainstream game developer. The generic racing game or RPG won't stand out to other, innovative and unique indie games about, which is why I think your everything but the kitchen sink genre is a good idea. If the game ends up being a failure, it'll still probably sell just as well as a generic indie RPG.

Updated by anonymous

Seven_Twenty said:
As an indie developer myself, I think your genre selection is odd, but if you pull it off it could turn out a good game. Something to think about is most people are attracted to indie games for the innovativeness and unique concepts that would be a huge risk from a mainstream game developer. The generic racing game or RPG won't stand out to other, innovative and unique indie games about, which is why I think your everything but the kitchen sink genre is a good idea. If the game ends up being a failure, it'll still probably sell just as well as a generic indie RPG.

LOL. I hadn't actually looked at it like that, since I'm seeking to Dev this as a AAA Title on a circa $250k Budget. Still, nice to hear such encouraging words from someone who is actually on the inside of the Indie Industry!

Updated by anonymous

Xioneer said:
AAA Title on a circa $250k Budget.

Pick one.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
Pick one.

I was referring there to Spirit(Depth of Content) and Quality...

And with Gamesprout, Development by a Pro Team is entirely possible, but I'll be seriously considering Indie Dev under my own Company until the "bitter" end...

Updated by anonymous

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