Topic: 4chan troll pic hidden

Posted under General

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zerudanodensetsu6 said:
Sorry for the FFD if anyone has a problem with the flag reason.
This post was flagged for deletion by zerudanodensetsu6. Reason: Common /b/tard troll image. What's next? A giant JPEG of the words "Yiff In Hell"? I actually think the cheesegrater image is mild compared to this, yet everyone hates that. How can the raccoon cum?.

That is not a valid reason for deletion, please look to flagging guidelines
Also if you dont want to see gore then blacklist it.

Hope this helps

Updated by anonymous

Patch said:
Nice ban evasion bro

He was unbanned in his original account actually.

Updated by anonymous

Butterscotch said:
He was unbanned in his original account actually.

He has 7 accounts...

And that's still won't get that image deleted, I suggest to just blacklist it and move on

Updated by anonymous

Butterscotch said:
He was unbanned in his original account actually.

Did you just say I was de-banned?

Updated by anonymous

Patch said:
Nice ban evasion bro

TheHuskyK9 said:
He has 7 accounts...

Who is this then? ._. Also why the hell do they need 7 bloody accounts? What is it backup encase they massive fuck up like now?

Then again, making the flag reason "How can the raccoon cum?" seems like trolling.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
Who is this then? ._. Also why the hell do they need 7 bloody accounts? What is it backup encase they massive fuck up like now?

He keeps on crusading against the lobstahban

Updated by anonymous

zerudanodensetsu6 said:
Did you just say I was de-banned?

Yes, in your account that started everything (the one that ends in #2)

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
He keeps on crusading against the lobstahban

Well his flag reason of "Flag: How can the raccoon cum?" seems like he isnt learning and just trolling.

Updated by anonymous

Butterscotch said:
It was removed by the same person that banned the guy.

Damn it, who gave ippiki booze >.< agh....

It still seems like the OP didnt learn his lesson from his recent flags

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
Oh wait, that guy....

What happened to his 10,000 day irreversible ban?

Ippiki_Ookami did it?!?!?!?!? (I honestly didn't think Ippiki Ookami, out of everyone here would de-ban me. I guess he's not as bad as I thought!) Anyone who has the power (Not you, He-Man) is welcome to delete ZeldaNoDensetsu1 (I forgot the password to that one, which explains why I'm on number 2) as well as 3-6.

Updated by anonymous

zerudanodensetsu2 said:
Some very, very nice mod (I don't know who yet) helped de-ban me. (I honestly didn't think I was gonna get banned in the first place.

You made alt accounts to flag a image that says "DO NOT FLAG THIS OR GET A 10,000 day irreversible BAN" ....You had to have known what you where doing. Also you just flagged something for "how can raccoon cum?" ....really? ._.

edit:..You know what? I am just going to stop myself here, this isnt worth it

Updated by anonymous

zerudanodensetsu2 said:
Who did such witchcraft?
I have to thank someone, at least.

You should apologize to everyone for doing your shitty FFD reasons.

Updated by anonymous

zerudanodensetsu2 said:
Some very, very nice mod (I don't know who yet) helped de-ban me. (I honestly didn't think I was gonna get banned in the first place. Several guys said they didn't get banned.) Anyone who has the power (Not you, He-Man) is welcome to delete ZeldaNoDensetsu1 (I forgot the password to that one, which explains why I'm on number 2) as well as 3-6.

Accounts can't be deleted (afaik) it just gets locked 5eva. There's a way to reset your password though.

Updated by anonymous

That awkward moment when he gets banned again due to the most recent FFD reason...

Updated by anonymous

Seems like I have to explain two things, first of all, Lobsterban is 24h Joke-ban, will be removed after that period but we do keep the negative record there.

More importantly, zerudanodensetsu2, stop flagging shit for dumb reasons, you either start adhering to the rules or that ban will become a reality.

Just for you:

Valid reasons to flag an image for deletion:

  • Duplicate post (please include original post number in flag reason)
  • Inferior version of an existing post (smaller, lower quality)
  • An updated version has been uploaded (new version of a flash game, or a new revision of an image)
  • Drawn by an artist or owned by a site on the Avoid Posting list

Invalid reasons to flag an image for deletion:

  • Image is 'crappy', 'disgusting', 'unpopular', or 'not furry'
  • You're an artist or character owner and want the image deleted (please use the takedown form)

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in disciplinary action against your account.

Please note how "Crusade against things you dislike or disagree with." is not a valid FFD Reason.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Seems like I have to explain two things, first of all, Lobsterban is 24h Joke-ban, will be removed after that period but we do keep the negative record there.

Thats not 100% true, ive seen people deal with week to month bans over that and they where not removed.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
Thats not 100% true, ive seen people deal with week to month bans over that and they where not removed.

Sometimes we forget that.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
Also you just flagged something for "how can raccoon cum?" ....really? ._.

I didn't flag that image, I just referenced it.
But, on the orher hand, "How can the raccoon cum?" is like "What's the sound of one hand clapping?" or "What's so cold it's hot, and what's so hot it's cold?"

Updated by anonymous

KeitaiDenjuuTelefang said:

lol, ippiki said the ban wasn't gonna be permanent

You immediately made a new account when you got banned, and then flagged the image again, in addition to a second image. You then flagged a third image for an invalid reason with yet another alt account. All while you were banned for the original image you flagged. That's ban evasion, and you are super lucky you didn't get your main account banned for a long time for it considering how many alt accounts you had.

KeitaiDenjuuTelefang said:
I didn't flag that image, I just referenced it.

No, you definitely flagged it.

Unless you're going to sit there and try to tell us that isn't you.

Updated by anonymous

corgi_bread said:
You immediately made a new account when you got banned, and then flagged the image again, in addition to a second image. You then flagged a third image for an invalid reason with yet another alt account. All while you were banned for the original image you flagged. That's ban evasion, and you are super lucky you didn't get your main account banned for a long time for it considering how many alt accounts you had.

No, you definitely flagged it.

Unless you're going to sit there and try to tell us that isn't you.

Then my brain's foggy.
I was up till 7 am, I wake up at 5 pm.
Efforts for staying up the whole day were unsuccessful.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
Yes you did, it was your alt account that flagged it, you just changed your username now on this account

Stop being a mod-jr.

Ohyeah, The username history DOESN'T MATTER.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
Yes you did, it was your alt account that flagged it, you just changed your username now on this account

Stop being a mod-jr.

Ohyeah, The username history DOESN'T MATTER.

Updated by anonymous

KeitaiDenjuuTelefang said:
Stop being a mod-jr.

Ohyeah, The username history DOESN'T MATTER.

>Ohyeah, The username history DOESN'T MATTER.

We do not forget.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Sometimes we forget
We do not forget.

Well, which is it?

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
Can we just put this guy in the permaban airlock and let-er-rip?

I 2nd this...

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
Can we just put this guy in the permaban airlock and let-er-rip?

shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot the tongue

Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:
shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot the tongue

But I thought you liked me!

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
Can we just put this guy in the permaban airlock and let-er-rip?

Oh yeah, your name is


Updated by anonymous

KeitaiDenjuuTelefang said:
Oh yeah, your name is


What is that supposed to mean?

Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:

What is that supposed to mean?

It means "stupid", he obviously wants to be banned again.

Updated by anonymous

KeitaiDenjuuTelefang said:
But I thought you liked me!

You were funny
Now you're not funny
You're a bit of an arse

Updated by anonymous

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