Topic: Is Looqdrake DNP?

Posted under General

I notice that post #240739 is now in my favorites. I haven't faved this picture before, but had faved the colored edit that Looqdrake did of it. The image is no longer here. When I check the tags, it says that he has either 26 or 28 posts, but none of them show up, and I can't find his name in the DNP list either. Someone wanna clue me in?

Updated by Rainbow Dash

Dogenzaka said:
I notice that post #240739 is now in my favorites. I haven't faved this picture before, but had faved the colored edit that Looqdrake did of it. The image is no longer here. When I check the tags, it says that he has either 26 or 28 posts, but none of them show up, and I can't find his name in the DNP list either. Someone wanna clue me in?

You know, takedown list has search function.

Updated by anonymous

Dogenzaka said:
I was wondering how to look for that. Aren't we supposed to update the wiki as soon as a takedown request has been approved?

The wiki is for the Avoid Posting List, which Looqdrake did not request. The takedown was approved by Tsukaza last week, which is why those images aren't there anymore and why you can see him on that link Gilda provided.

Sorry about the confusion!

Updated by anonymous

Also of importance. Most times after an artist has filed a takedown request, they are not added to the DNP list. The DNP list is only if the art is likely to remain a problem and keep being posted, of which most times that's not the case. So takedown does not equal DNP list and the two should be kept separate

Look up the DNP list for the most updated list

Updated by anonymous

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