Topic: simple e621 uploader for windows

Posted under General

I am currently writing a little uploading application to make the uploading process a bit more comfortable for myself and other "power users", for fun and for learning.

Does something like this already exist?
What features would you like to see implemented?
I thought about a checkbox for each or all images to check whether they already exist with:

Source code will be made public under the "I am not a dick and share my shitty code that's non commercial anyways!" license if you promise not to laugh about my code.

image related:
It's just a draft, source line per image and rating are missing for example.

Please bear with me if some horrible things happen while I am testing the API. I never wrote anything like this and don't know anything about HTTP, xml and APIs.


Well a function to upload multiple images and pool them at the same time, would be nice.

Updated by anonymous

Sounds nice, put in some option for tag categories where you can define some tags and organize them for easier clicking.

slyroon said:
Well a function to upload multiple images and pool them at the same time, would be nice.

Just add pool:Your_pool_here and they will be added on upload.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYouMobile said:
Sounds nice, put in some option for tag categories where you can define some tags and organize them for easier clicking.

Just add pool:Your_pool_here and they will be added on upload.

I know you can do that. I meant that if you could upload multiple images and pool them, but at the same time making it sure, that they are in the correct order. Because as it is now you can only upload images one by one and put in the pool one by one (when you're uploading or not), But if you could upload multiple images at the same time and still make sure they are in the correct order, that would be nice.

Updated by anonymous

slyroon said:
I know you can do that. I meant that if you could upload multiple images and pool them, but at the same time making it sure, that they are in the correct order. Because as it is now you can only upload images one by one and put in the pool one by one (when you're uploading or not), But if you could upload multiple images at the same time and still make sure they are in the correct order, that would be nice.

The program can't know the correct pool order. Numbers in filenames are unreliable. Users will need to insert images in the proper order. That means they simply need to arrange the images on their desktop or in a folder and then shove them all inside the program.

The upload will work one image at a time from "left to right (regarding the tab line)" = "first image added to the program to last image added to the program".
If multiple images are added at once then it uses the standard windows order: First go from top to bottom, then go from left to right.

Updated by anonymous

Could someone please write me one fully functional example on how to upload an image? I have no idea at all how that's working. I am writing this in visual basic, but Java or anything else is fine too for this. I just need one proper example to understand this.

username, password, tags, sourcelink, pool, uploadImage path As String
uploadImage As Image

Now how does this code work?
I just have some code snippets that I can't get to work and don't understand at all.

Dim cookieCon As New CookieContainer
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(HttpWebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
request.Method = "POST"
request.CookieContainer = cookieCon
request.UserAgent = "e621 uploader"

Dim post As String = ???

Dim byteArr() As Byte = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(post)
request.ContentLength = byteArr.Length

Dim dataStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
dataStream.Write(byteArr, 0, byteArr.Length)

Updated by anonymous

cuberope said:
U mad

Very much so.
Someone who knows how that works would be able to give me a working example in less than a minute.
For example, you.

Updated by anonymous

With the migration from to C# enlightenment came to me. Uploads finally work although I receive an "Internal Server error 500" (Why do I get back that shit if the upload succeeded?)

Anyways, does anyone have any feature requests?
I only just tested uploading, I will rewrite the GUI in C# now.

Updated by anonymous

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