Topic: Failed/late commissions?

Posted under General

I am a bit curious if anyone else has had a similiar problem to this (will keep it short) and what they did about it.

I commissioned a piece to be done livestream. After a couple days (and payment) I was given a day and time that it would be done. The day of, it was cancelled due to being laggy/cutting out. No alternate day/time was given to do a livestream.

Was told it would be done without input (kinda odd to me due to only a light written description of character, thus wanting the livesteam) and was told it should be finished by a certain day. Still no word if it has even been started.

Not sure what to do. Should I just back off and give more time, or start pressing more on information? Any other ideas.

Thanks for your time and help,


Updated by Conker

Please_delete_acount said:

Thanks for your time and help,


Updated by anonymous

Kiparis said:

Yea yea yea...

HAHA... the guy tried to bail after a lot of stupidity and never changed his name after stupidity (somewhat) ended.... Hur Hur Hur!....

I really dont give a shit. I have requested to go back to waffles and it has not been granted yet, so the fuck what?

I swear, this is the exact stupid shit that made me take a hiatus in the first place....

Updated by anonymous

Please_delete_acount said:
really dont give a shit. I have requested to go back to waffles and it has not been granted yet, so the fuck what?

I swear, this is the exact stupid shit that made me take a hiatus in the first place....

Wat. Chill out man, life's too short to take everything personally.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Could contact them again, just in case.

I have done the whole "is there any additional details I can give..." kind of email already with no response. Sadly I dont want to come out as a giant dick for I dont want the commission to look like a steaming pile of shit. Not sure if an artist would do that, but then again I have only commissioned a very small handful of images from different artists.

Updated by anonymous

corgi_bread said:
Wat. Chill out man, life's too short to take everything personally.

It was not taken personally, just wanted to end the "joke" before it started. Can not tell you how many times I have written in the forum or a comment and gotten the generic " I can not take you seriously with that name" thrown back at me.

Updated by anonymous

Please_delete_acount said:
It was not taken personally, just wanted to end the "joke" before it started. Can not tell you how many times I have written in the forum or a comment and gotten the generic " I can not take you seriously with that name" thrown back at me.

You can't actually 'end the joke before it starts' when it's already over.
And I did every one of those before.

Updated by anonymous

I like how this thread went immediately off topic. In my opinion, I would give the artist a little more time but after that and there's still no pic, I would get a refund

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I like how this thread went immediately off topic. In my opinion, I would give the artist a little more time but after that and there's still no pic, I would get a refund

That was my initial thought, but without being an artist or having done many commissions, I am unsure how much time.

3 days, week, month?

Updated by anonymous

_Waffles_ said:
That was my initial thought, but without being an artist or having done many commissions, I am unsure how much time.

3 days, week, month?

Depends, do you want something fully shaded with everything or sketch / black and white ink?

If fully shaded, give him a week, if Ink, give him 3 days at max.

First time, simply ask how it is going, if you have to ask a second time get a little annoying.
Third time asking should be about a refund, of course, if has a good explanation (hit his drawing hand with a hammer or the likes) I would give him more time.

Updated by anonymous

_Waffles_ said:
That was my initial thought, but without being an artist or having done many commissions, I am unsure how much time.

3 days, week, month?

That depends if the artist has a reason for overdue commissions. For example, I knew a few artists that had to put paid commissions on hold due to private matters. If that's the case, I'd give it a week or wait until the artist is back drawing again.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Depends, do you want something fully shaded with everything or sketch / black and white ink?

If fully shaded, give him a week, if Ink, give him 3 days at max.

First time, simply ask how it is going, if you have to ask a second time get a little annoying.
Third time asking should be about a refund, of course, if has a good explanation (hit his drawing hand with a hammer or the likes) I would give him more time.

That is a decent 'rule of thumb' set. It is the former, so a week it is.

A first 'notice' was sent out, but was never responded to. Any suggestions on what to do with an unresponsive artist?

Thank you for your input.

Updated by anonymous

Whatever you do don't let it go past a month, at 45 days Paypal won't refund it anymore.
I made that mistake once, ended up with a commission that was about 3/4 done, and then never got a response from the artist again.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Whatever you do don't let it go past a month, at 45 days Paypal won't refund it anymore.
I made that mistake once, ended up with a commission that was about 3/4 done, and then never got a response from the artist again.

They just sent you an unfinished piece of work and not even an apology?

Updated by anonymous

_Waffles_ said:
A first 'notice' was sent out, but was never responded to. Any suggestions on what to do with an unresponsive artist?

Give him 48h and resend the same question, but put it in there that you already contacted him and that he likely didn't see it the first time around.
If he still doesn't react move on to refund.

Updated by anonymous

_Waffles_ said:
They just sent you an unfinished piece of work and not even an apology?

Not even that, the unfinished was an initial coloring that was for my approval before he did shading.
I gave my approval, and never heard from him again.
He ignored a half dozen emails, and I eventually gave up on it.

Updated by anonymous

I would demand a livestream, you paid for one and you should get it. Having the art done with no input from you? fuck that, you paid them, demand what you paid for. If the artist refuses demand a refund, if you used paypal to pay them do a refund though that if you are able. Dont let anyone get away with this scumbag behavior

Updated by anonymous

I bet fraudulent artists like these would be more inclined to do their damned work if you had the option to send Hulk Hogan to their home to either : reclaim your money or dropkick them until he feels your debt has been carried out.

Updated by anonymous

Kiparis said:
I bet fraudulent artists like these would be more inclined to do their damned work if you had the option to send Hulk Hogan to their home to either : reclaim your money or dropkick them until he feels your debt has been carried out.

Thats the most awesome idea ever :v

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
I would demand a livestream, you paid for one and you should get it. Having the art done with no input from you? fuck that, you paid them, demand what you paid for. If the artist refuses demand a refund, if you used paypal to pay them do a refund though that if you are able. Dont let anyone get away with this scumbag behavior

How would you suggest going about that so that I dont piss off the artist and end up with a shitty commission.

I am really not that great when it comes to being nice to people who fuck up when you are paying them to be professional. Maybe something to do with being an army sergeant...

Updated by anonymous

_Waffles_ said:
Maybe something to do with being an army sergeant...

lol, an army sarge named "waffles" :p

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
lol, an army sarge named "waffles" :p

Sgt. Waffles :)

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Sgt. Waffles :)

But anyway, still a bit confused/concerned about how to demand a livestream commission.


_Waffles_ said:
But anyway, still a bit confused/concerned about how to demand a livestream commission.

Tell him "I paid for what was promised would be a livestream, and I intend on receiving somewhere in the near future or I shall be forced to demand a refund and take my business elsewhere...
Please respond to this message or I will assume you are ignoring me...
I'll give you more time if need be, but I need you to give me some kind of notification that you are still in contact with me."

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Tell him "I paid for what was promised would be a livestream, and I intend on receiving somewhere in the near future or I shall be forced to demand a refund and take my business elsewhere...
Please respond to this message or I will assume you are ignoring me...
I'll give you more time if need be, but I need you to give me some kind of notification that you are still in contact with me."

Well, its been 4 days since one of my notices and none of them have even been read yet?


Updated by anonymous

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