Topic: I have a dream (and it has nothing to do with race)

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KeitaiDenjuuTelefang said:
I want to murder RC with a boxcutter.

I want you to shut up and behave appropriate to your age.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
I want you to shut up and behave appropriate to your age.

I love you

Updated by anonymous

KeitaiDenjuuTelefang said:
says mod jr.

C'mon bro, you just got cleared from the ban evasion stuff. I'd suggest not to get on an admin's bad side :/

Updated by anonymous

......... Childish.

But I do give points for the title. I cracked up!

Updated by anonymous

KeitaiDenjuuTelefang [translated] said:
I hope RC Sama notices me... (・´ェ`・)

Also, I found that picture pretty sexy.

Updated by anonymous

biclighter said:

what in the goddamn

applies to both the picture and the OP

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
Also, I found that picture pretty sexy.

I found it pretty... uh

Updated by anonymous

KeitaiDenjuuTelefang never said:
I hope RC Sama notices me... (・´ェ`・)

You mean RC-boke, right?

SirAntagonist said:
Also, I found that picture pretty sexy.

You are a fucking cocksucker, and you should get your dick skinned, and then squirt some lemon juice on it dunk the whole thing in lemon juice.

Test-Subject_217601 said:
So basically, you harbor perverse sexual lust towards a fictional skunk, and want her raccoon boyfriend/fiance to die for your ship? /is shot for linking to tvtropes twice

Not really, I just wanna cuddle with her.
Maybe a few kisses.
I won't force her to use my PC.
Or my Crapple iStuff.

Updated by anonymous

KeitaiDenjuuTelefang said:

You are a fucking cocksucker, and you should get your dick skinned, and then squirt some lemon juice on it dunk the whole thing in lemon juice.

Ok I want to know what idiot decided to unban this fool.

Updated by anonymous

KeitaiDenjuuTelefang said:
You mean RC-boke, right?


Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Ok I want to know what idiot decided to unban this fool.

Oh no, you do not get to hide that sentence.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Ok I want to know what idiot decided to unban this fool.

You :3

Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:
It seems that (forgive me) Mr. P has a contender.

Mr. P had 47. I wouldn't consider him a contender yet

Updated by anonymous

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