Topic: Gay/Lesbien Fictional Characters

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Made this thread before elsewhere, always a winner!

What fictional characters (be it cartoons, comics, videogames, books) strike you as being as straight as a cooked noodle? That means HOMOSEXUAL!

Now before anyone starts harping about how a fictional character doesn't have a sex life; any character has a writer or writers behind it, and writers are usually adults. Dirty jokes get thrown around and this kinda thing often works it's way very subtly into the finished product. It's not entirely canon but you can often catch a less-than-innocent innuendo in the most unexpected places.

Case point: Ren and Stimpy!
post #157126

In the original show there was a lot of "closeness" going on between the two. They slept in the same bed, the argued like a married couple, and weren't shy about all manner of hugging, grooming, washing and licking. So people asked creator John K if they were a couple!
'I don't know wither they're gay or not. That's their own business!' he said, largely shrugging off the idea.
Then in 2003 there was a brief revival of the show, this time re-imagined for an adult audience! And guess what? They are pretty much fucking on screen. (best video I could find sorry)

So! Who out there in the realms of fantasy bats for the other team? Present your evidence!


It's funny because Ren and Stimpy actually did get it on in the lost episodes.

Updated by anonymous

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