Topic: Accept or deny/block Set requests.....this is needed.

Posted under General

We really need a way to deny or block set maintainer requests.

I recently got forced to be a maintainer in the "Renamon covered in cum" set.

It seems there is no way to remove myself or deny it, I rather not be forced to be in sets like this.

Can we have a way to deny or block requests like this?

Updated by Patchi

TheHuskyK9 said:
Ask an admin?

I shouldn't have to ask an admin every time some user invites me to a random nasty set. We should have a way to deny/block/remove our selves from this. I made this thread to point out this flaw, as there is no way for a normal user to fix this.

Updated by anonymous

You should probably fix the description, he put "renaming" not "Renamon".

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
You should probably fix the description, he put "renaming" not "Renamon".

You can't as a maintainer. Only the owner can edit the description. The only thing a maintainer can do is add/remove posts on it

Updated by anonymous

Why is this posted in a separate thread and not in the feature request thread where it belongs to?

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Why is this posted in a separate thread and not in the feature request thread where it belongs to?

I was unsure where to post this, I didnt know of any feature request thread. :V

By the way, is there ANY way to remove myself from this set? ._.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
I was unsure where to post this, I didnt know of any feature request thread. :V

By the way, is there ANY way to remove myself from this set? ._.

You need to contact the owner of the set and ask them to remove you from it. That's your only recourse for the time being.

Updated by anonymous

corgi_bread said:
You need to contact the owner of the set and ask them to remove you from it. That's your only recourse for the time being.

I'm hoping that's just an oversight on the part of whomever came up with this sets thing, because if it's deliberate...that's imbecilic.

Updated by anonymous

What if you just blacklist the user or the set? Would that work?

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
I was unsure where to post this, I didnt know of any feature request thread. :V

That sticky thread for that "Request a feature thing" is literally stickied at the top of the forum page for at least 2 years.

You should really start reading things before doing something.

Updated by anonymous

I like how the user asks to be removed from something so he doesn't have to be associated with it, and a majority of the responses are either mocking him, not helping him in the slightest, or telling him to post elsewhere.


Updated by anonymous

Kiparis said:
I like how the user asks to be removed from something so he doesn't have to be associated with it, and a majority of the responses are either mocking him, not helping him in the slightest, or telling him to post elsewhere.


Exactly what do you want us to do about it?

Updated by anonymous

Kiparis said:
I like how the user asks to be removed from something so he doesn't have to be associated with it, and a majority of the responses are either mocking him, not helping him in the slightest, or telling him to post elsewhere.


There is, as far as I know, nothing we can do about this at the moment, Tony would have to program something for this.
Which in turn means that posting in that one thread where Tony regularly looks in to see if there is something program worthy is actually sound advice.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
It's fixed in the next update.

Tony is best admin.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
There is, as far as I know, nothing we can do about this at the moment, Tony would have to program something for this.
Which in turn means that posting in that one thread where Tony regularly looks in to see if there is something program worthy is actually sound advice.

I think it just wasn't obvious what would be gained by reposting the same thing over there when it was already being discussed and receiving admin attention over here. Like it would be a pointless repeat or split up the discussion. That the solution would depend on Tony and the other thread is where Tony would most likely see it, etc were the critical bits of information that half the people here were taking as obvious and the other half had no idea. I think that's where the confusion stemmed from. /just my two cents.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
That sticky thread for that "Request a feature thing" is literally stickied at the top of the forum page for at least 2 years.

You should really start reading things before doing something.

Didnt wanna nerco a old thread :v

tony311 said:
It's fixed in the next update.

Thank you c:

Updated by anonymous

Lol he added all the mods. Like we want to take part in your creepy shit.

That update cant come soon enough.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Lol he added all the mods. Like we want to take part in your creepy shit.

That update cant come soon enough.

I think he's just adding everyone.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
I think he's just adding everyone.

Even members who won't return.

Updated by anonymous

There we go, filled his set up nicely for him.
Maybe the next person will think twice before bothering me with a maintainer add.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
There we go, filled his set up nicely for him.
Maybe the next person will think twice before bothering me with a maintainer add.

I was expecting something more sinister...

Like this one.


Updated by anonymous

You can add them when he makes you a maintainer too.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
You can add them when he makes you a maintainer too.

Ok... :3

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
You can't fight your destiny!

Now it's also my destiny. :(

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:

Didnt wanna nerco a old thread :v

Thank you c:

Last Post was 7 days before you and the sole purpose of that thread is to post shit in it.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Lol he added all the mods. Like we want to take part in your creepy shit.

That update cant come soon enough.

Quote: "You can just ignore it." -Ippiki

:P hehe quotes are fun. ...I cant wait for that update too :v

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
If only there was an add favorites to set button. :3

Lol, I thought the same thing

Updated by anonymous

Then it could be the biggest public set if all the maintainers added favs.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Then it could be the biggest public set if all the maintainers added favs.

It is the biggest set.

We could guarantee no set will pass it though.

Updated by anonymous

Seven_Twenty said:
It is the biggest set.

We could guarantee no set will pass it though.

Yes. A few thousand would work. :3

Updated by anonymous

Reaper_Eternal said:
Removed all maintainers. DMail if want to maintain.

Maybe next time you should ask people if they want to maintain your uh... set rather then picking people from random.

Updated by anonymous

corgi_bread said:
The fact that it's still full of shit makes me giggle.

I had fun adding the Renamon +scat images.

Updated by anonymous

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