Topic: Hrm. How does one fave a tag?

Posted under General

Been trying to remember how, and been trying to skim through documentation in te help pages, and so far been having no luck remembering how to fave a tag or tag type over just faving an image.


You could subscribe to its RSS feed, this is the only way I know.

Updated by anonymous

Hmm. Must be an admin thing then? I've seen some profiles with tag subscriptions, which is why I was wondering. Would like to subscribe to Ami~ and Dark Nek0gami amongst others, so I don't forget about new arts and the like.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Hmm. Must be an admin thing then? I've seen some profiles with tag subscriptions, which is why I was wondering. Would like to subscribe to Ami~ and Dark Nek0gami amongst others, so I don't forget about new arts and the like.

Privileged+. more info on that here. You could still do with rss.

Dark Nek0gami's:

It works on basically any tag.

Updated by anonymous

Never used RSS, so that's arcane stuff to me. I'll look into it though, thanks!

Updated by anonymous

Subscriptions should still do this in a way, try going to and edit it, for priv+ the interesting thing is that you can click the subscription itself and it shows all posts that have at least one tag of the subscription, for you however you it would be empty.
The thing they do for you is that you can click the tags separately and then look if you see something new, so you don't have to remember the tags.

Updated by anonymous

It'd be under oonami, but yeah, I already do that. It's more of a concern for new stuff that comes out. I'm notoriously bad at not checking inboxes and checking for new content unless I get a little nudge of a notification somewhere. I've already set an RSS feed now though, by using the link so generously provided by Xch3l (and modified to Oonami) so I should be good. ^_^ Thanks again for all your help, everyone!

Updated by anonymous

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