Hello all I don't know if this is allowed or there has been a thread before like this but here goes: I have come here seeking help with my bad luck on love and I am wondering how can i find a dragoness (online dragoness not a real one) as I have no luck in finding someone with my gifts, I am also asking if anyone here knows how to get more in-touch with the draconic realm, (I sound stupid I know but e621 was a site suggested by a friend to try and find help in this issue as my other form of help happens to be having a very bad partner issues right now and he is unable to help)if you have advice for me that is not allowed in public send me a message and I will get back to you.
For the advice that is allowed I welcome all comments pertaining to the topic just no attacks,hate posts, and the other negative posts thanks.
PS: Also I am new hear so if any one see's mistakes and if I can't fix them I'll do my best to find a way, if not just know that I tried my best to get as many as I could before posting this topic.
Updated by ZigguratVertigo