Topic: tag alias: tasting_self > self_taste

Posted under General

tony311 said:
I know it's been discussed somewhere before, but the ones that should be grouped together are:

....but self tasting and i has a flavor have nothing to do with cum most of the time.

Updated by anonymous

Conker does have a point: tasting your own fluids vs tasting your own body are two different things. Maybe they should be separate, or maybe not. That part I'm less sure on. I do know that sometimes it may be hard to differentiate between a finger wet with saliva from tasting vs a finger wet with fluids that are being tasted. So maybe trying to differentiate between them wouldn't be possible.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Conker does have a point: tasting your own fluids vs tasting your own body are two different things. Maybe they should be separate, or maybe not. That part I'm less sure on. I do know that sometimes it may be hard to differentiate between a finger wet with saliva from tasting vs a finger wet with fluids that are being tasted. So maybe trying to differentiate between them wouldn't be possible.

If that's the case, tasting_own_sexual_fluids or some such should be used; self_tasting is ambiguous enough that it could easily mean not just tasting oneself sexually but also licking oneself or some other form of tasting your own body.

I'm all for aliasing self_taste and variants and i_has_a_flavor, though, because it's still self tasting, even if cum_taste/variants remain separate and/or then implicate tasting your own body (under whichever tag variant) as well.

Updated by anonymous

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