Topic: Stupid shit that's not supposed to be funny but made you laugh anyway

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Yeah, we've all had "those moments" where we're not supposed to laugh, but we do anyway. My example: At the time of this writing, I have Naruto on as background noise. One of the characters said "in the four years I've been coming," and I started laughing like an idiot. I have absolutely no idea why, but I did. So, anyone else have one or more of those moments to share?

Updated by Moon Moon

Haha! Today we had one of those moments. We were eating and my brother was complaining because the food was a bit greasy and stuff, then, on the TV (we have the TV on while eating, just to have noise too) and there was a movie on and some dude yelled "You're just making fun of me because I'm fat!" and my two brothers started laughing because of that coincidence. It was really funny at that moment

Updated by anonymous

I laugh when people get hurt.

Dat Naruto play. Fucking Kaguya.

Updated by anonymous

Another one that cracked me up was a commercial for a drug called "Linzess." The way the narrator said it sounded like "Lynn's ass." The phrasing didn't really help, either.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
I laugh when people get hurt.

I laugh when people get raped.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
I laugh when people get hurt.

Munkelzahn said:
I laugh when people get raped.

I laugh when people laugh No, really, it's contagious!

Updated by anonymous

Once a long time ago a large kid on the playground got onto one of those metal animal ride things (the ones that have the huge metal spring underneath it so you can rock around in all directions), in this case a rubber duck style duck, and he lost his grip and wound up falling onto the ground with his legs unfortunately spread while the recoil of it all caused the duck to rock back and forth quite rapidly, with the beak hitting his nuts a few times. The thing that made me laugh is that he didn't really have a reaction at all, he just looked defeated. I felt bad and asked him if he was alright and when he said "yeah" and started laughing as well I took that as the green light and just let the laugh roll.

Do elementary playgrounds generally still have things like that installed or has it been kiddie proofed in some newer schools?

Updated by anonymous

I was with my friends lighting off fireworks in Wyoming.

One of them got super drunk, taped a roman candle to his butt, and started singing "4 minutes".

Partial thickness burn over his entire ass.

Updated by anonymous

I laugh so hard when I think about I had no one, had no plan for the future, and having suicidal thoughts after I am done laughing while crying I forget about them for a while

Updated by anonymous

tfkcex said:
I laugh so hard when I think about I had no one, had no plan for the future, and having suicidal thoughts after I am done laughing while crying I forget about them for a while

I know that feel, man...

Updated by anonymous

things that make me laugh....

-davidwolffang's comments

-people who think China, Japan, and North Korea and South Korea are the same thing

-peoples faces when I speak in Spanish or Polish to them

-TV shows like Finding Bigfoot or Ghost Adventures

-adults with braces

-this song

Updated by anonymous

Oh, that Linzess commercial was on today. Still sounds exactly the same. Still fucking funny.

Updated by anonymous

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