Topic: where did e621 come from?

Posted under General

I'm looking for a history lesson into the origins of e621, both the name(sounds kinda odd until you get used to it) and how it was conceived, my guesses so far are varka, just making it one day as he contemplated porn while designing a dildo, the site being split off from somewhere else in a dispute over tagging, which would explain everyone's tagging fetish lol, or someone unrelTex to varka made it because why not and varka decided to buy the site, or something like that. I'm just curious.

Updated by 123easy

Okay, I keep seeing a lot of threads come up about people asking about E621's name....can we just get a sticky thread or something in the FAQ if we dont have one already?

Updated by anonymous

Varka isn't the original owner of the site; Arcturus was. It was picked up by Varka when the site was going to otherwise close due to poor upload practices that made e6 initially reviled within the community for not respecting anyone's rights et al. We've worked hard to fix that reputation, and it's been slow going, but we're now seen as one of the better image sharing sites. Further, e621 is the chemical formula for monosodium glutamate. I could have sworn that we had a thread that was sticky with this information already...

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
due to poor upload practices that made e6 initially reviled within the community for not respecting anyone's rights et al.

Eh no, that wasnt it. The problem was a certain banned user kept filing out false child porn claims on the site trying to get it shut down. Arcturus got sick & tired of dealing with the harassment. and was going to shut the site down. Thats when Varka took over.

Updated by anonymous

Thanks, now I know more about the place where I get my porn lol.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
I don't know how accurate it is, but there is page about e621 on wikifur.

Somebody needs to actually update that

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
Eh no, that wasnt it. The problem was a certain banned user kept filing out false child porn claims on the site trying to get it shut down. Arcturus got sick & tired of dealing with the harassment. and was going to shut the site down. Thats when Varka took over.

Oh, you mean InsaneKangaroo. I wasn't even thinking about that, honestly, I was thinking the other two times that e6 got shut down temporarily, and the sheer amount of vitreol that was directed Arcturus' way because often he'd just shrug at someone submitting a takedown request, saying "It's out there and it's free, we're hosting it", basically. At least, that's what it was to my memory back in the day. First two happened before Varka even got involved in the site as head admin, IIRC.

Updated by anonymous

Ahhhh the never ending question about eSix's name and origins. Look it up on EnciclopaediaDramatica for part of the story (just ignore the snarky remarks and you'll be okay) or look around here in the forums (I think there are several threads about this)

Also, I don't have a tagging fetish but Husky excites me with his tagging record I just like stuff to be organized.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Ahhhh the never ending question about eSix's name and origins. Look it up on EnciclopaediaDramatica for part of the story (just ignore the snarky remarks and you'll be okay) or look around here in the forums (I think there are several threads about this)

Also, I don't have a tagging fetish but Husky excites me with his tagging record I just like stuff to be organized.

That entire site is made up of snarky remarks. Also there are a lot of threads on this subject...I think we should have a stick about the site's name somewhere.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
That entire site is made up of snarky remarks.

I knooow! :P

Oh, the true origin of the name:
forum #3662

Updated by anonymous

"Write a script to auto generate accounts then replace tags, titles, and sources. The sources part is especially useful because they don't keep these in revision histories, and thus must be readded by memory. If you manage to make a big enough mess before the admins notice, a db rollback will probably be their only solution."

.__. Hope that's now untrue...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

123easy said:
"Write a script to auto generate accounts then replace tags, titles, and sources. The sources part is especially useful because they don't keep these in revision histories, and thus must be readded by memory. If you manage to make a big enough mess before the admins notice, a db rollback will probably be their only solution."

.__. Hope that's now untrue...

That hasn't been true for quite a while now. Source history appears under tag history now:

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
"Write a script to auto generate accounts then replace tags, titles, and sources. The sources part is especially useful because they don't keep these in revision histories, and thus must be readded by memory. If you manage to make a big enough mess before the admins notice, a db rollback will probably be their only solution."

.__. Hope that's now untrue...

It is, technically, the source is kept in the tag history

Edit: See? Char confirmed it

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Not to mention that we also made it impossible for new accounts to edit tags or do basically anything at all with their accounts for the first three days (and 7 days before they can post or comment). An attack like this now would only work if they created lots of accounts at least 3 days in advance of their planned attack, and after we ban those accounts and undo their changes (which is honestly not a major undertaking at all), any new accounts that they'd make to continue the attack would still have to wait 3 days before they could do anything again.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Also, I don't have a tagging fetish but Husky excites me with his tagging record I just like stuff to be organized.

Heh heh

Updated by anonymous

I remember a few theories being passed around...

I) The rule of 'Con
The rule of 'con was set like if you were to go to anthrocon, you need at least 6 hours of sleep a day, 2 meals a day, and shower 1 time each day. 6-2-1, e621. I'm rooting for this one.

II) The additive code for MSG is e621.
Maybe the part how the site is so good it's addicting or something?

I don't remember some of the others...

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
II) The additive code for MSG is e621.
Maybe the part how the site is so good it's addicting or something?

I always supported this theory lol

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Incidentally, here's a forum snapshot from 2007:


Damn... Glad I never came to the forums back in those days, lol. Also, given that it says "No additive flavourings" it just proves without a shadow of a doubt that it's MSG that's referenced. Wish I could find the post that talked about it in depth. :x

Updated by anonymous

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