Topic: Thinking about leaving e621, sugjestions?

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Yeah I know I spelled it wrong.
I'm not entierly sure I should stick around, apparently I get to live in fear that an random User having a fit will get me banhammered.
You all know I have a very tedious grip on my temper and selfcontrol. Ive honestly felt like ive been targeted by a certain unamable User in the past, and no it isn't dsr.
The fact I have so many records (which I cant work to remove over time) means people think I am either a thug, stupid, or power hungery. Thus think they are automatically better. Prejudice.

I'll admit, I'm not smart. I have trouble expressing myself due to mental illness. I'm not good with my temper (though medication help now). And I have a serious problem understanding things I get into trouble for. (Example: I had to have rain explain several things during my previous bans)
I do what I do on here because I am bored or lonely, I spend at least 4 hours a day each day of the week trying to help tag and reporting issues. Since I joined probably more than 50% of all reports have beenn mine. Ive stopped tag vandals, spotted ban evaders, fixed entier pages of screwed tags, and tried to maintain tag sets I am familer with.
But now not sure its worth the stress.

What would you do in ky place.

Updated by EDFDarkAngel1

I would leave for awhile then come back.

But seriously, you're doing the wrong thing by putting something like this on the forums. You're gonna get targeted by trolls and they will make yourself feel worse.

Take some time to yourself and relax. Don't let idiots get you down.

Updated by anonymous

Don't leave permanently. Just take a little break then come back refreshed. =^.^=

Updated by anonymous

Just do what Reaper did.
Make 4,000 alternate IP addresses and create fake accounts until the mods contact the authorities.

Srsly: Do what Patch and Furballs suggest. Take a break from e6. Maybe tool around furry Tumblr pages for a while. Less drama there.

Other than that, I guess you can just hope the admins start to appreciate you.

Updated by anonymous

I don't really recall any place that has less drama for a furry site than e6 with the same amount of content.
DA,FA,IB,U18,SF, and Weasyl are all drama havens.
But take a break, take up a hobby like knitting or something, and come back when you feel like you are up to it.
Make some vicious slam poetry for us, its better than harassment, and its a constructive way to let out your anger.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
Yeah I know I spelled it wrong.
I'm not entierly sure I should stick around, apparently I get to live in fear that an random User having a fit will get me banhammered.
You all know I have a very tedious grip on my temper and selfcontrol. Ive honestly felt like ive been targeted by a certain unamable User in the past, and no it isn't dsr.

Would be interesting to know who you're talking about.

Esme_Belles said:
Since I joined probably more than 50% of all reports have beenn mine.

Well, definitely not b.c.B. who can guess what it means? but likely afterwards. Alas, your useful ticket ratio is at least 80% better than his, even though you sometimes do create a strange one that leaves me scratching my head.

Esme_Belles said:
What would you do in ky place.

Take a vacation/break, gaining a bit of distance every now and then never hurt anybody.

Updated by anonymous

Take some time off from doing things that cause friction with other people. Just zen out.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, just leave and take some time to yourself. Do whatever it is you like to do. Have a you day and just let everything that makes you angry or frustrated just disappear.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
The fact I have so many records (which I cant work to remove over time) means people think I am either a thug, stupid, or power hungery. Thus think they are automatically better. Prejudice.

Do you really think that people in the forum look at somebody's records before talking to him? I wouldn't have even looked at them if you hand't mentioned them.

Updated by anonymous

Sounds to me like its time to hit the timeclock and use some of that earned vacation time ol' buddy! Hit the bahamas and have a maitai or something! You cant let the small things get ya down, life is far too short for that shit and youll miss a lot of good things passing by with your head down right? Kick back and unwind a bit... e6 will be here so take your time and enjoy the finer things. :)

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Sounds to me like its time to hit the timeclock and use some of that earned vacation time ol' buddy! Hit the bahamas and have a maitai or something! You cant let the small things get ya down, life is far too short for that shit and youll miss a lot of good things passing by with your head down right? Kick back and unwind a bit... e6 will be here so take your time and enjoy the finer things. :)

That sounds 'spencive...

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said:
Do you really think that people in the forum look at somebody's records before talking to him?

I did!
I think this is about what I did yesterday.

Full disclosure for context: I looked because people downvoted my comments when I was right about the gender, because pointing out that it was "shota"...let's not get into that (Esme and I are on friendly terms now, OK?). Anyway, I was pissed off about that, that I would get downvoted by multiple people despite being right for a hairsplitting reason, so I looked at the record and was like "Ooh, she has a history of being anal and incorrect, that makes a lot more sense!" Of course I didn't look at the main userpage. I used 123easy as a stress pillow (I was told you can vent without posting but "not posting" isn't called venting, people, it's called "biting your tongue"), which got the admin to wag a finger at me, etc., etc.

Seriously, admins, would it be possible to admit Aurali has poor judgment (otherwise she'd still be admin) and give Esme her Contributor status the fuck back? Sorry to point out the obvious, but from the perspective of self-interest, how many visually impaired blond females do you know who are willing to upload their rare doujin collection?

Updated by anonymous

As far as reading doujins are concerned, I use g-e-hentai( no drama, click each image to go to the next page) and U-18Chan. Way easier than a booru where each comic page is a separate link.
One issue you may have with g-e-hentai is popups, so make sure to bring a popup blocker when you dive in.
There's also yaoihavenreborn. The human porn is separated by bara, shota, etc.; the furry porn, however, is not.

U-18Chan has drama sometimes, and lots of irrelevant memeposts instead of comic pages, but you can click the hide all non-pictures button, then click the macro button to hide all non-comic-relevant posts. There's an FAQ that tells you how. Also, they don't have a section for yuri comics (the largest demographic on U-18Chan is gay males, and Jay seems to not care about lesbians because they're a smaller group).
Let me repeat: e621 is a crappy way to read comics. U-18Chan rocks, g-e-hentai is useful, and tumblr is the most lesbian-friendly when it comes to furry porn.

IvoryWolf said:
Sounds to me like its time to hit the timeclock and use some of that earned vacation time ol' buddy! Hit the bahamas and have a maitai or something! You cant let the small things get ya down, life is far too short for that shit and youll miss a lot of good things passing by with your head down right? Kick back and unwind a bit... e6 will be here so take your time and enjoy the finer things. :)

Moon_Moon said:
That sounds 'spencive...

That sounds like IvoryWolf's about to get chewed out by Tumblr's Social Justice fundies and told to "check your privilege."

Speaking of which...
Tumblr is definitely the lowest-stress way to look at furry porn that I've seen. I say go for it if you want a break from e621.
As you already know the downside is it's less systematic than a booru-type imageboard. Meaning that, for example, if you want to look up other works by the same artist, it's not as easy to do so.
A bonus is there's no Dragoneer and no me. Stay away from the political tumblrs (unless they're the type of feminist who know how to have fun and not soak in their own butthurt), and you should be fine. I'd recommend my sister's tumblr for the latter, but I don't have the url.

Updated by anonymous

I think your wonderful esme just cause theres one or two bad apples it does not make the whole tree bad I think you can stay strong like the beautiful strong woman I know you are in reality and you can overcome the hate I once had to in high school and yes it was very hard in fact there was multiple times where I considered ending my life but I stuck it out and I am so glad I did

Updated by anonymous

I deleted her neutral for being over six months old. And because Aurali's judgement has always been questionable.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
(...) And because Aurali's judgement has always been questionable.

Since when this started to be bash the old staff thread? It's funny how statements like this are made by someone who talks so much about new better standards of the site.

If I remember correctly you got into troubles because you were fighting in comments instead of just reporting people. Really, leave punishing to admins and mods.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
You all know I have a very tedious grip on my temper and selfcontrol.

*tenuous :-)

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
I deleted her neutral for being over six months old. And because Aurali's judgement has always been questionable.

It's unnecessary comments like this that are gonna get you in trouble :/

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said (translated):
I'd lay the smack down on you for criticizing me if I still had the power.

It's a relief not an admin, because if you hadn't done what you did to Esme she might still have Contributor status.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
I deleted her neutral for being over six months old. And because Aurali's judgement has always been questionable.

EDF's being naughty!

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said (translated):
I'd lay the smack down on you for criticizing me if I still had the power.

DSR1337 said:
It's a relief not an admin, because if you hadn't done what you did to Esme she might still have Contributor status.

Stop that, you are walking a very thin line here.

Updated by anonymous

Honestly the way this thread played out is just asking for someone to say something they shouldn't.

Updated by anonymous

DSR1337 said:
It's a relief not an admin, because if you hadn't done what you did to Esme she might still have Contributor status.

No the contributor got removed because of a valid reason, that's never been in question. Its just earning it back is hard as heck, null removed the level and had just cause to do so. I'm going to follow the advice and take a break from posting for awhile, just too much going on.

Updated by anonymous

Also the little bit about aurali was supposed to be kept between me an whoever I happen to be talking to in pms. This was never meant to be a bash thread. Whiles I appreciate the backup, I don't need to have it, if there is a problem I'll sort it with the admin, if not I'll keep it locked away. I only mentioned that part because it was an example of why I felt I needed to leave. That's all.
Sorry if I caused more trouble.

(Would a mod mind locking this, I got my advice.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
Also the little bit about aurali was supposed to be kept between me an whoever I happen to be talking to in pms. This was never meant to be a bash thread. Whiles I appreciate the backup, I don't need to have it, if there is a problem I'll sort it with the admin, if not I'll keep it locked away. I only mentioned that part because it was an example of why I felt I needed to leave. That's all.
Sorry if I caused more trouble.

(Would a mod mind locking this, I got my advice.

Locked per request.

Updated by anonymous